I'm fairly new to STAGE 32 and I have to say, honestly, I'm addicted. Currently, I'm writing screenplays like nobody's business, but it seems I'm just spinning my wheels and not going anywhere. Some days, I get so frustrated that I'll literally tear up whatever I'm working on, only to find myself taping together the scraps I'm able to salvage. I don't know what my problem is. Do writers do anything else...? Or is that it? I'd love to know what other CHICAGO writers do when they're NOT writing (or thinking about writing). It's not like this is L.A. where the weather is tolerable 90% of the time. I can't just jump on a bike (if I owned one) and ride somewhere. What is there to do?
You want to try living in Yorkshire if you hate the weather there.. Makes you want to strangle yourself.
Hello stage 32. I'm new to the game I'm a old school baby boomer, attempting to hang with you young folk. Any I've been around for a while in this show biz game. I've performed in 5 B'way production 3 major motion pictures, and had my own production produced on B'way "ROLLIN ON THE TOBA", A Tribute to the last days of Black Vaudeville. I'm the author of my autobiography entitled 'I JUST WANT TO TELL SOMEBODY", and my newest book entiled "THE FIRST 60 YEARS",The History of Afro American Musical Theater and Entertainment 1865-1930. available on amazon.com and bn.com. Available for bookings and speaking engagements on the history of black Vaudeville, with supportive vintage historic vaudeville footage. by contacting t3eprod@yahoo.com Past and present work as a performer and producer can be seen on you tube at MrSmokey717
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I can so relate being in downstate Illinois. But in the times of all adversity, anger, frustration and crappy weather I also tend to wonder if it adds to my development as a screenwriter. I just look at things perhaps being opposite of the hibernating bear so to speak. Our winters can in fact be our most creative time. With that said if I ever "make it" I'm so moving to a warm weather state. Imagine after these life experiences of suppression what we can truly create in a conductive environment. Sometimes just getting out and absorbing the world or environment around us also inspires. If you are like me every life experience inevitably becomes something to use in writing even when we are not conscientiously thinking about it.