Hi Guys, Timothy here from Visionary Sound. I hope you all had a productive March. Heres to a successful April. For those of you that do not know - We have released quite a large collection of sound effect packs from our internal sound library for you to download and use freely within your productions or possibly even just to add to your personal sound library. These are all royally free samples, so there is nothing to worry about. All sound assets are recorded at 92/24-bit and meta tagged. Our footstep collections, being single shot with a number of different performances, including Run, Walk, Jumps, Lands and scuff are perfect for foley and animations. You can download the sound collections here: http://www.visionarysound.co.uk/resources/
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sounds great ! i ll take a look ! thank you Timothy !
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About 2.7 GB for everything. Thanks buckets!
Hope you find them useful guys.
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Wonderful, Timothy! Thank you so much!
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I always love when people share their libraries. Thanks Timothy. We may use some of these on our YouTube channel.
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Thanks, Tim. I just downloaded your Foley 1 collection. I've never heard of .rar files before, but found, downloaded and installed a freeware version of the extractor software from http://www.software-watcher.com. So far, so good. I notice they list a number of my freeware favorites, including Audacity, Gimp, and Bluefish as well. Don't yet know what I'm going to do with your Foley FX, but I have some ideas. By the way, your WAV files are nice and clear, with identifiable sounds. Thanks, again.
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Thanks Timothy, grabbed the city and water. Sounds great! Best, Rusty
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy2hkC7kG8I dvd of 48 kHz sound fx on ebay for about 5 bux. mega wav sound fx for movies