Success Stories: APR'8 New Broadway Musical Develops from Stage32

Glen Kinnaird

New Broadway Musical Develops from Stage32

Thank You Richard (RB) and Stage32 for helping connect me with Paul Sumares. The musical we started collaborating on in 2012 is headed to a workshop this August after having our first reading in Feb, 2014. We now have interest from a regional theater for a 3 week run of our new musical in May of 2015. Keep Believing in your Dreams! We plan to develop the screenplay after the musical opens and launch the trilogy as ebooks available online. Thank You to everyone here at Stage32 that has been supportive. We need each other for support. Like our page on Facebook if you get a chance to find out about where the show is going next.

Richard "RB" Botto

Wow, Glen. Absolutely fantastic, man. You were an early adopter here and your passion and networking prowess was evident from Day 1. This is more than well deserved and earned. I simply couldn't be happier for you. Please keep us posted on all developments. May the creative gods guide you on this remarkable journey. RB

Janet Biery

Love musicals. So proud of you. Hope there will be a musical movie version someday.

Allen Hahn

Congratulations Glen. This is just wonderful news.

Brian M. Kerrigan

Very interesting. I am shooting a "mini-Musical" in August in Philly...would love to discuss your success.

Glen Kinnaird

Alle, we started this project in 2010, it does take years to develop a musical and we are still not finished. Thank You RB, Paula and Janet!

Geveryl Robinson

Wonderful!! Congratulations!

Marc Durso


Sherry Landrum

Always love to hear about creative success. Congrats!

Larenzo Simmons

Congrats! I wish you the best.

Lilli Moore

Good luck, I wish you all the best, I just wish it was in UK

Brian M. Kerrigan

We are in the next few years planning on mounting "City-specific" variations on the theme. I'm sure there's no shortage of corrupt politicians across the pond!

Valerie Michele Oliver

Way to go, Glen!

Linda Sans

What a great story! Can't wait to hear about how your musical develops...

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