Introduce Yourself : Donna DeDionisio: Screenwriter - Playwright/Director by Donna DeDionisio

Donna DeDionisio

Donna DeDionisio: Screenwriter - Playwright/Director

Hi everyone, I'm a Screenwriter and a Playwright/Director with five stage scripts successfully produced. A few years ago, I started screenwriting, and now, I'm working with an LA Producer on my latest project that recently placed as a Semi-Finalist in a well known screenplay competition. My hopes are to have this script produced well and my dream is to become a successful screenwriter and director of feature films. It's so nice to meet all of you! :)

Richard "RB" Botto

Awesome, Donna. Wishing you the best with the project!

Donna DeDionisio

Thanks so much, Richard!

Richard "RB" Botto

You are more than welcome, Donna.

Kenya Hendricks

Hoping to be where you are soon. I have alot of projects completed and some being polished. Looking forward to entering them in contests.

Donna DeDionisio

Hi Kenya, Sounds like you've really got the ball rolling. And yes, contests are the way to go. I've entered 3 with my latest project, and won as Semi-Finalist in an ISA Screenplay Competition, and the other 2 contests are just ending with the next few months. I hope I place! If I can ever be of any help to you, please don't hesitate to ask all the questions you want. Nice chatting with you. :)

Lisa Meuser

I need to explore contests more too! I have had many plays produced that I wrote but haven't explored publishing yet! I'll have to pick your brain sometime Donna!

Kenya Hendricks

Thanks Donna. I just submitted to the ABC screenwriter showcase. Praying that my 2 submissions will do well.

Donna DeDionisio

I'll be hoping for you, Kenya! Good luck!!!

Kenya Hendricks

Thank you Donna

Danisha Bethune

Hi Donna, nice to meet you too.

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