Introduce Yourself : Hello by Ralph Osgood

Ralph Osgood


I am a poet, an historian, and a writer for stage and screen, but foremost a responder to Jesus (Romans 5:8). I have been employed over forty years in the entertainment industry, the last thirty of which I have crunched numbers successively for three of the top ten theater circuits in the US. In 1993 I took a class at the NW Film Center in Portland OR. I studied screenwriting under Roger Margolis. Since that time I have completed four screenplays. I am currently completing a three act stageplay entitled "The OutR Dark" and outlining my fifth screenplay. I am hoping to secure an agent for these and future works and other writings of an historical nature.

Richard "RB" Botto

40 years in the entertainment business! They should give you a medal, Ralph...And hazard pay! Thanks for sharing.

Gavion E. Chandler

Greetings and look forward to learning and sharing

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