Hi! You know, at the high school dance, that girl with the big glasses who sat as far away from the dance floor as possible? Well, that is me with social media (minus the glasses, of course). I don't normally post much, if anything, but here it goes! I've done 4 of the Stage 32 pitchfests so far. The first few times I was so nervous I actually broke out into hives (ok, so that's happened every time, not the point of this story.) But each time has been a learning experience and really enjoyable! The excs Joey gets are incredibly friendly. All 4 have asked to read my script. The last pitch I did was Mr. Damon Lane of Zero Gravity Management, he was absolutely lovely. He was chatty, asked lots of questions, not just about my script but about me as a person. He was just an all around nice person, who I really hope I get to work with again one day. I probably would not have done that pitch without Joey's encouragement, but I am so glad I did. Even if nothing monetary comes of these pitches I have learned so much. 1) Excs are humans just like us. They are not the big bad wolf, they are not out to get you. They are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. 2) Always, be prepared, know your story and everything about it. 3) at the very very least, I went from knowing absolutely no one in Hollywood to 4 excs in the span of a few weeks! Thank you Joey and Stage 32 for asking the wallflower to dance! :)
OMG thank you, Joey!! I was very worried about how I come off because I get so nervous my brain and my mouth seem to disconnect. When it's really bad I babble like you wouldn't believe! I have really enjoyed each of the pitches so far, it's helping me get over that, I think. I have really, really enjoyed the pitches so far! Thank you again! To everyone else - if you haven't signed up for at least 1 or 2 pitches - you are totally missing out!!
Just an incredibly positive story, Leah! Thanks for sharing. Encouraging!
Any progress with your script?
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Thank you ,Daniel. Ye Er, not yet nut most of the people I have talked to say it takes at least a week or so. Who knows! But even if nothing happens, I still enjoy what I have learned from the pitch.
Leah, Keep on dancing!
Good to hear success stories.
Congratulations Leah. I know from personal experience that you've overcome a great hurdle. Thanks for sharing!
I'd have danced with you :-)
Great post...I guess I have been avoiding pitch-fests...thanks for the inspiration.
Thank you for sharing this with me. I will consider the pitchfest... I have a comedy script and I don't know whom I can send to :-)
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Ye Er - do the pitch!!! I think there is one coming up specifically for comedy. Take the plunge! It's worth it!
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Thank you all for your kind words!! I hope, if you haven't done a pitch you will. - James E St. Clair, here's looking at you! :)
Thanks for your post - really encouraging AND exciting!!! Good luck !!!!
awesome, and good luck!
So happy for you Leah. Thanks for sharing your story. ...wishing you the best! :)
Thank you, Janet!!
Appreciate your comments about you "pitch" experience. Admire you for trying. Keep at it, Gal!
Thank you guys for all your encouragement! I did another pitch this weekend and it went great! Got another request!! Plus, I got to meet another cool member of the Stage 32/Happy Writers staff in Erica! She is totally cool and I hope you all get to meet her!
Congratulations Leah! Thanks for sharing. This reminds me that I need to check in on the Lounge more often!
Hi Leah :)
Thank you Lyse! That's good to know! I am afraid I am terribly impatient and anxious too hear back, but Joey also told me the same thing. I am going to call the next few month, character building (my own, as well as a few scripts! :) Thank you for your kind words of encouragement!
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Hi, Elissa! :)
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Strongly agree with Lyse! Your article helped bump up my courage to do a SKYPE pitch. And the result was a request to read. Amazing! Can't thank you enough!
Mr. Levy, that is the most wonderful thing I've heard all week! I'm so glad you took the leap, and I'm beyond thrilled that it worked out well! Keep us posted on what happens!