I have an actor who is concerned that his Actors Equity Association status may be "troubled" by his appearing in a 20 minute musical I'm only posting on the Web. Granted I ultimately want to stage the full length version, but not now. Any insights, directions anyone can point me to regarding how AEA, SAG, AFTRA are all handling the Web (as in YouTube) even for funding shoots (e.g., Kickstarter)? I don't want to mislead, but I suspect there's 3 different answers for 3 different unions. But I don't know. Help!
Actors Equity has nothing to do with film unless you're filming a stage play. I think "New Media" (SAG/AFTRA) is the term and category for filmed online content.
Thank you for joining the convo!. Honestly & sincerely. To be as concise as I can: I am videotaping a promo for a stage play, which seems to set the "old world" definitions akimbo at all the potential unions.