www.AmericaTheMovie.com AMERICA (2014) Coming July 4th Be sure to look for actor "Eric Weiss" leading his talents at "ass-kicking" some Red Coats in a battle charge in the Patriot scenes @ 0:17!!! Along with me playing myself in a corporate Chinese business scene! ERIC WEISS- Stuntman, Actor, & Sword Choreographer http://www.IMDb.com/name/nm5583654 "AMERICA" The Movie: Trailer 2 by Dinesh D'Souza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPsLB11POtQ Of course, I'm excited to be part of a film production! The story for this film really speaks to me... It's a story that imagines that the United States lost the Revolutionary War and therefore never existed... Imagine how life would differ today?!? Director: John Sullivan Writer: Dinesh D'Souza Stars: Russell W. Reed, John Koopman, & Tina Fortune Peacefully Stay, -Jeff Jeffry Summer Stuntman, Actor www.IMDb.me/JeffrySummer www.YouTube.com/JeffrySummer