I thought I saw a post in here about how writing novels is different from screenwriting but I didn't have time to read it and now I can't find it again. Can anyone direct me to it, or if I'm imagining things, maybe people would care to comment? I primarily write novels, but wrote a screenplay as an exercise. I got hooked because I found it ducks behind laptop so easy compared to writing a novel. Now, I was copying a story over from something I had already written, so of course that helped a lot. But I find the structure of a screenplay to be almost relaxing. All those beats to hit, it makes my life so much easier. Anyone else feel this way?
Wouldn't it be nice if there was novel-writing software? All you'd have to do is type in a single letter, and the computer would have all sorts of suggestions about what should come next.
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Of course, the big difference between the two (and I have written both) is that, in a screenplay, you can only write what you can see or hear.
For me when writing my screenplays I find I use both my left and my right side of my brain. I use the right for the creativity and the left for form and structure. I have never written a novel so I can't compare the two.
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I don't believe people use different parts of the brain to write different things. That's completely silly and made up.
Yeah I thought I had read somewhere recently that it had been proven false. I just couldn't remember the details so didn't post about it.