Introduce Yourself : Actor/Singer/Songwriter by Siiren Sire

Siiren Sire


Hi All, I'm Siiren Sire, I have just joined Stage32. I'm a Actor/Singer/Songwriter from the UK London. I have joined to meet others of this fantastic craft and gain more knowledge. Chat to me anytime (I dont bite) Honest!......

Richard "RB" Botto

Welcome to the community, Silren!

Joey G. Neas

Would love to collaborate! email me please!

Vanessa Youngblood-Brown

Hi Siiren, if you ever need music for your cd, check out our site at, Great music. Please share with your twitter and facebook friends. Thanks.

Siiren Sire

Hi Vanessa, Thank you i will check them out. :)

Joey G. Neas

We should collab! Here is my Fan Page, inbox me if so! :D

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