Introduce Yourself : VO native NJ (don't sound it unless necessary) by Meg Lugaric Shick

Meg Lugaric Shick

VO native NJ (don't sound it unless necessary)

Launching a new company - will post website and crowdfunder info in a few weeks. Personal site: Moved back to NNJ - kids born in Santa Monica - I still miss L.A., but it's nice to be off-camera. Got 2 big, black rescue mutts from South L.A. Shelter. They loved the snow,, and it was nice and easy to see them against the white. Remodeling kitchen from ice storm damage. Booking jobs fairly steadily, but looking forward to running the company. Good luck to all the new kids, and remember to have fun.

Amy Kelly

Hey Meg! Great work!

Meg Lugaric Shick

Thank you Amy - that's really sweet of you to say.

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