Introduce Yourself : Sandra Rose by Sandra Rose

Sandra Rose

Hello everyone. My name is Sandra Rose, and I am a retired educator from New Jersey. I wrote a novel, The Seductive Schoolhouse Scandal, based on true events of a school corruption case in Camden, NJ, This case was widespread, and the retaliation I incurred as a whistleblower was beyond belief. Camden is known as one of the poorest and dangerous cities in the country. New Jersey was recently labeled as the most corrupt state in the country. Well, my book was converted into a screenplay. I welcome all to read it and realize that corruption is out of control when it impacts the education of our youth.

Antonio Ingram

Thank you for sharing that. I love when people write to shine a lot on things happening in society. I didn't know about this Sandra.

Richard "RB" Botto

Congratulations, Sandra! Great accomplishment!

Sandra Rose

Thank you very much.

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