Introduce Yourself : Introduction by Kamil Ali

Kamil Ali


Hello Everyone, A gentle nudge from RB reminded me that I did not formerly introduce myself. I am an author from the Toronto area in Canada. I am currently writing a trilogy named, 'The Appointed Collection', in the Paranormal Occult / Fantasy / Thriller genres. The first book, 'The Initiates', is published and available in both ebook and paperback at all the major bookstores. 'The Order of the Mirror' and 'Gateway to the Dark Side' are in the editing stages. A fourth manuscript in the romance / drama genres named, 'The Beggar', taken from the first poem of my published book, 'Profound Vers-A-Tales, is scheduled for submission by the end of 2014. For details, please visit: I am fascinated by the activities involved in film-making and find this website quite educational. Thank you for inviting me, RB and thanks for your time everyone. I'm looking forward to interactions and contributions. Regards, Kamil

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