I just registered my idea for a reality television show with the WGAE. I do not know what to do next. Do I try to fund raise through Kickstarter to get enough money to produce the entire series? Do I try to get advertisers to sign on that would pay for production costs? Please advise.
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Find an agent that is just as hungry as you are. Too many times we reach for the prime rib, when the flank steak will do. Everybody gets to eat eventually, but you must be patient and clearly outline your project!
Start getting your logline posted in as many places as you can think to drop them. For instance...with me! I haven't read anything about you...if you've got something you want me to consider...then catch over on Facebook for starters. Just a thought!
advertisers..Ive developed a new station for roku..all advetising
Steven, I have a Movie & TV Trivia Game Show that I've created called "HOLLYWOOD FLASHBACKS"......I've secured the copyright/trademark and now need help getting it pitched to some agents/network executives for future development. Perhaps you can help me in this regard. I'm new to Stage 32 and seeking to network with someone that is "a bonafide industry insider". Checkout me IMDb Link: www.imdb.me/kennhinton
Check out these guys, http://www.jokeandbiagio.com/
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I produce, pitch and consult in the non-scripted/reality TV world. My email is producerelisa@gmail.com. Not sure what progress you've made since you posted, but perhaps I can help.
Elisa, I've responded to you via your email address that you provided. I truly look forward to communicating with you further regarding your expertise as a producer and pitch consultant, accordingly. Without Struggle ....There's no Progress! www.imdb.me/kennhinton
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I'd recommend you do a sizzle reel (2-5 minute video of what your show would be like) and shop it around to networks that might consist of your target audience. Just my humble opinion though.
Do you have a set budget, potential cast and crew in mind? also would this be a scripted or non-scripted reality show?