A question out of curiosity. How many here have completed or are currently part of a screenwriting course? Having completed one myself a few years ago, I'm interested to hear some of your experiences and thoughts on studying, or for those that haven't do you prefer learning on the go?
I recently finished the Vancouver Film School's one year intensive Writing for Film and Television course. It was a great deal of fun and very informative.
Mark I took Robert McKee's course 3 times - amazing. I now teach a blood and guts course via email .... Colin
I've taken one. My college had one screenwriting class, it was a 400 level creative writing class, the hardest one we had. I had never taken one before. I wrote my first screenplay and took it to the head of our creative writing department. He said he hadn't taught the class in several years due to our small student body and the lack of interest from students for it. He read my 1st draft and immediately went to the provost to convince him to allow him to teach the class in the following spring semester. It was a great experience. One of my personal favorite screenplays was conceived from what ended up being my final project in the class. I was the only person in the class that had written a screenplay before, so the class would come to me regularly for advice and tips. It was during this class that I learned two things. 1, that I had a talent for screenwriting and a genuine desire to get better at it. 2, I learned that I, as a result of words that I put on a page, could stir up a bevy of emotions in people. It's a great feeling, one that comes with responsibility :)