Stage 32 Meetups : Any Meetups in San Jose area? by Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Any Meetups in San Jose area?

Hi all. I am looking for Meetups in or around San Jose Ca.. All creative areas. Production, screenwriting and acting etc.. If there are none happening but I get interest from anyone, I can try to find a comfortable area maybe a lounge or anywhere we can talk openly and have fun and friendly discussions. Just looking to stay in touch with what's happening locally and see where it can grow. I am a screenwriter, actor, and standup comic, I have close contacts with a distribution company, lets make it happen. Zergog (408) 515-1492.

Jon-Mark Hurley

I would love to see a San Jose meet up. That would be great!

Marla Young

I'm on the Monterey Peninsula and would like to meet with others closely, too!

Jeffrey Walesa

I'm in Milpitas, CA. I'm open to helping organize a Meetup.

Jon-Mark Hurley

o.k. So, doing a meet up...what would that look like and what would make it worthwhile or work? Ideas anyone?

Marla Young

Well, breaking bread together is always a good start… maybe everyone could bring a short one-sheet about what they're working on, what they've done, what they hope to do (as a leave behind) -- but present this information verbally to the group through introductions -- where questions could be asked, perhaps sparking new ideas, new projects?

Jeffrey Walesa

For starters how does Tuesday June 24th work for everyone? I'm open to time of day. We can meet outside the Starbucks at Santana Row. For the first Meetup, we can go through introductions and I liked Marla's idea with a synopsis of our works and experiences. Perhaps each of us can also prepare some ideas on what we want to accomplish along the journey. It all starts with the first meeting.

Marla Young

Daytime would work best for me...

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

I can work with day time , thanks Marla and Jeffrey for ideas and location to start. 2 hour's should be fine, what do you all think? We can free flow with the ideas Marla has then construct an agenda for future weekly or monthly meet ups, but should always remain a friendly environment with only constructive feedback and wholesome community. Pick the time I will be there.

Jeffrey Walesa

Sounds great. I couldn't agree more. Given the competition in the industry, it's important to respect one another and provide that friendly environment. How does 11am - 1pm sound on June 24th? Santana Row at the Starbucks.

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Works for me. Looking foward to meeting all of you.

Hayley Gagner

is there room at the table for an actress from Tracy?

Jeffrey Walesa

Hayley, absolutely there's room! The more the merrier. It's Tuesday June 24th from 11am to 1pm. Meet at the Starbucks at Santana Row. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Ayelette Robinson

I'll be there too! Thanks for starting the discussion!

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

So glad to see fellow 32ers on board for this, should be fun and informative.

Scotty Cornfield

Zergog, I just saw your post on the proposed meetup. I put it on my calendar and will try to make it if I can. The calendar is open right now and hope to be able to meet more local creatives. Thanks for stirring it up. Scotty out

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Hope to see you there Scotty.

Jeffrey Walesa

Looks like we're getting some great responses and buzz with fellow 32ers! Remember its Tuesday June 24th from 11am to 1pm at the Starbucks at Santana Row in San Jose, CA. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi everyone! Can I put someone on this thread in charge of taking photos and emailing them to me? @Jeffrey Walesa - would you be willing to do that? We'll make sure we feature your meetup and whoever attended it on Stage 32 :) Can someone make a Stage 32 sign (even on a piece of paper) to hold up for the photos? You can email them to me at

Scotty Cornfield

Julie, I'll bring a camera and grab some picks if someone else can make the sign (my writing skills stop at screenwriting).

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Hi Julie, So great to see your enthusiasm in this, Jeffrey and Marla have been so gracious in helping put this together after my initial post. I can work on a sign as I am going to Kinkos today, If you could email me the Stage 32 logo and possibley something that gives a release to copy it onto a small banner, I will have them make one up. thanks, it will show Stage 32 San Jose Meetup.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Zergog and Scotty -- I just responded to you both. Looking forward to the photos! Cheers a glass for us back in the S32 office :)

Scotty Cornfield

You got it, Julie!

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

OK, I just ordered the Stage 32 Banner will be ready tommorow. Bring your cameras as S32 will be supporting us. Special thanks to Julie @ S32. See you all this Tuesday.

Jeffrey Walesa

A special shout out to all of you for making this Meetup positive and exciting! A special THANKS to Julie @ Stage 32 for her support!! Let's make this one to remember! Zergog and Scotty - THANKS for organizing the camera and banner! I can't wait to see it.

Jennifer Bouani

Glad I stumbled onto this discussion. I'm in Cupertino. I look forward to meeting everyone!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Glad you found the meetup Jennifer :) Even though we're in LA, we're still looking forward to seeing and featuring the talent that is at this San Jose meetup :)

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Be glad to welcome you Jennifer.

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Amanda from S32 sent an email to me asking if someone could bring a laptop with Skype capability as CEO R.B. at S32 wants to call in and say hi to us all towards the end of the meeting. Do any of you have that option to bring this? Thanks.

Jeffrey Walesa

I was bringing mine anyway. Just hope we can get an Internet connection. That is great to hear! Also, lets make sure we've got a positive agenda set. I was planning in arriving around 10:15-10:30am to prep.

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

I wrote a few topics down to cover, and I will also be there around 10:30 to try and lock down a table, so I will see you there, thanks Jeffrey.

Jennifer Bouani

I have an eye infection from a bug bite, so I won't be able to make it today. :( I'm bummed I will miss it. I hope you guys have a productive meeting and decide to continue to the meetups.

Marla Young

Well, you guys will be early! I'm just leaving Pacific Grove, now… :)

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

10:35 I am here.

Richard "RB" Botto

So sorry I was unable to connect with you all today. I tried to Skype in, but received no answer. Hope you all had a very successful Stage 32 Meetup and took plenty of pictures!

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Thanks "RB" for trying we all really appreciate the effort. sorry we didn't get the Skype connection. was a great and productive meeting, met new friends and good connections, couldn't have done it without your great site, I had a banner made so we will be posting pictures soon, and thanks for all who came out. best of the best to everyone.

Ayelette Robinson

Yes, thanks to everyone for organizing this -- it was wonderful meeting local artists!!

Jeffrey Walesa

Thanks for everyone showing up and participating! Glad we were able to all meet and learned some new things. I'm looking forward to our next Meetup!

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic, Zergog! Thanks for printing the banner and making it all happen. Sounds as if it was an extremely productive Meetup!

Marla Young

The discussions were great -- we could have gone on for hours. Tons of enthusiasm, inspiration and talent. I think each one of us walked away with new insights. Thanks to all.

Richard "RB" Botto

Simply fantastic. Thanks for filling me in, Marla.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

I just got some pictures from Scotty - anyone else take any? If so, send them to me at :)

Scotty Cornfield

It's all about the networking and Stage 32 is another great resource to facilitate this. Kudos again to Zergog for getting everyone together. Thanks, RB for creating the space.

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Hi Julie, I think Scotty had the only pics. let us know when they are posted and where, thanks. Again thanks to all the creatives who were there, you all are so awesome with a unique talent that is so appreciated. thanks again, see you all soon.

Farrukh Shah Khan

Just saw this meet up info. Love to attend the next one in San Jose.

Richard "RB" Botto

Absolutely my pleasure, Scotty. This is what it's all about!

Jeffrey Walesa

Hello to all my fellow San Jose/NorCal Stage 32 friends. Since Tomorrow is July 1st and we had a wonderful time at the first Meetup, shall we consider advanced notice to schedule the next one?? We've generated interest with other members and hopefully can keep the positive energy flowing. Let me know. Thanks!

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Absolutely. I am out of town for a week, so we need to think about when and where, I know some people can't make day time and Starbucks was nice, but I would like to possibly expand on location. Ideas? When I get back in town next weekend I will scout a bit. I was wondering if we need to create a weekend day time for those who can make those, and Jeffrey maybe you can work the schedule that works best for you, and hopefully we can make it work as one place and one time for everyone. Need to know what every ones schedules are then we can see exactly where we stand, So all interested please post your open times of weekdays and weekend days. As of now I am open anytime weekends and after 6pm weekdays.

Marla Young

Hi Zergog & Jeffrey! Yes, it was a great meeting. It's going to be tough to look at everyone's schedules & make them all come together. My humble suggestion would be to schedule both daytime meetings & weekend meetings -- maybe switch out every other month? Nights sounded tough for most at our first gathering. I might try to also reach out to others further south than San Jose -- in the Monterey Peninsula where we have number of Stage 32 members -- just because, logistically, it's much easier for me to squeeze in a meet-up without having to add on 3 hours (total) of driving. Open to all suggestions.

Jeffrey Walesa

Yes, Marla, I like the daytime and weekend meetings switch. Nights were tough for others according to our first meeting. As to a new location, anything is possible, but we need to keep in mind that restaurants, banquet rooms, meeting areas, etc. will have a cost or a food/beverage charge not to mention parking costs, etc. This is a voluntary event for all and dedicating a location that may charge may be an imposition. Just saying.

Zergog Sebastian Tovar


Farrukh Shah Khan

I would like to offer our studio space for meetings. We are located near N. 1st street and 237 (behind IBM building). Please come check out the space to see if it can work for meetup needs.

Jeffrey Walesa

Thank you Farrukh for the offer. Just wanted to see if anyone is interested in another Meetup at the end of the month? Perhaps we can accept Farrukh's offer and meet at his studio. Thanks and keep moving forward!

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Hi Farrukh you can contact me personally at we can set a day and time asap to take a look at your place for meet up. Hope to hear from you soon. And thanks for reaching out with such a generous offer.

Scotty Cornfield

I'm up for Farrukh's offer. If people don't like that, we can always find places that don't charge. I'm in a group that meets at a California Pizza Kitchen. We don't get a private room but it's off in a secluded corner and it always works out great. We meet for dinner so the restaurant is always happy to have us.

Zergog Sebastian Tovar

Hello Folks. We have just updated the new info for the next San Jose Stage 32 Meetup. Farrukh has generously offered his office for the location, so locked in is Wednesday July 30th 7pm-9pm @ 4423 Fortran court. San Jose Ca. 95134 Suite #112. Please confirm availability here on this thread and we will see you there. For those who are not available or otherwise wish to create another place, date and time do what works for you. Best regards Zergog.

Ayelette Robinson

Really glad to see this meetup continuing! Unfortunately I can't do Wednesday evenings since I teach acting classes that night in SF, but I'll look forward to hearing about it, and to seeing when the next one is!

Scotty Cornfield

Right now Wed 7/30 works for me.

Marla Young

I will put the meet up on my calendar; nights are very difficult for me due to distance & responsibilities but if I can make it, I will. We're all connected through our emails now and hopefully will contact each other as needed. It's impossible to get everyone's schedules lined up! Hope to see you the 30th.

Marla Young

P.S. -- thanks Farrukh!

Farrukh Shah Khan

Love to work and connect with the creatives in the local area. Silicon Valley is full of dry techies and it is always a great pleasure of mine to meet up and connect with creative types in the area. Looking forward to meeting with all of you on 30th.

Amber DeAnn

Thanks Zergog, for getting this idea. I love it. I will definitely be there. IT's on my calendar. Hope we get more actors and screenwriters to come. Exciting. See you on 30th.

Gilda Henry

I'll be there but only for the first hour (need to pick someone up from the airport). Thanks for setting this up, Zergog and thanks Farrukh for letting the group use your office :D

Farrukh Shah Khan

Steve yes. Wednesday July 30th 7pm-9pm @ 4423 Fortran court. San Jose Ca. 95134 Suite #112.

Hayley Gagner

darn if was during the day i would come but i have class in between that time

Jeffrey Walesa

Hayley, I've also started another message for hoping we can meet during the day too. I'm working on organizing others with interest and have a few new folks interested too.

Marla Young

Hi Jeffrey and Hayley (and anyone else)… days are always better for me, mainly because of the drive. And if anyone is interested in meeting in the beautiful Monterey Bay area, I would be very available...

Marla Young

Sorry, I won't be able to make it tonight, but enjoy and pls share what transpired!

Mark E. Sackett

I AM IMPRESSED WITH THE HUMANITY IN THE WORLD AND HOPEFUL WHEN I SEE THINGS LIKE "be japy e.V." For 5 years now in 10 cities and three countries I have created a small but amazing event called THE ART OF ACTIVE NETWORKING The concept is simple, meet people, help them to do better, step and repeat. Building powerful and fun relationships leads to wonderful things. Join us in New York August 11th and San Francisco August 18th for our next two scheduled events! Let's talk about bringing it to your city or bringing it back! Today, I just discovered a page on Facebook called be japy e.V. ( and am spreading it to all my groups and pages. KUDO's on what they are doing! Giving, helping, spreading good ideas, perfect alignment with the way we think! Here is a link to my recent TEDxFultonStreet talk on why I think it's important to meet and help others to do better and to build powerful giving relationships! and this is what my events are about. It's also on our site under media, please share it! We are all about helping others to get more, do better and share ourselves without getting anything in return, and while I know you all want and need things and you find them at our events, I still and will always believe that giving and helping always trump selling. There is more than enough for us all to thrive. As I always say, "The Power of is working together is so much greater than anything we can accomplish on our own!" So happy to be able to share these cool folks and this wonderful idea with you all! See you soon and if I can be of any help to you here is my personal mobile number: 415-602-9500 Mark E. Sackett

Vincent Montoya

wow i wish that i lived in the are to bad im in mesa Arizona but yeah thanks for the add and also i wish you the best of luck that anyone can get in life thanks once again and stay safe

Willow Polson

There is going to be one this Wednesday, March 25:

Farrukh Shah Khan

Hey guys looking forward to meeting all of you guys again tomorrow at our WBT production studio in San Jose. The address is 4423 Fortran Court, Suite 112, San Jose, CA 95134. Call or txt me at 408-656-7818

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