Introduce Yourself : Science Fiction Novelist by Merita King

Science Fiction Novelist

Hi there, I'm a sci fi novelist with big dreams of seeing one of my books as a huge Hollywood movie one day. There's no harm in dreaming right? Seriously though, I believe you should love what you're producing enough to want to work to see it succeed. If your work bores you, the chances are it will bore other people too. I have built an entire universe, filled it with worlds, and peopled it with all sorts of interesting characters. I was born half a millenium too early; I can't wait until I can travel between worlds as easily as my characters do.

Mahrukh Chikliwala

hi i am new to stage 32 - joined in April 2014. i took up writing after i retired as flight attendant in India.(40 yrs service ; enjoyed all the travel and meeting people from various walks of life.) i took up screen writing (written two screenplays - universal themes of love, loss, friendship, betrayal but the sensibilities are based in the Indian culture. on advice from my screenwriting instructor i converted on of the scripts into a novel of approx 63000 words. My novel' A PROMISE IS A PROMISE' is currently uploaded on a site for aspiring writers (only the first three chapters for review and feedback). i want to work some more on the screenplay before i put it up on stage 32 for feedback. i look forward to constructive feedback and direction.

Merita King

Hi there. I would love to write a movie one day.

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