Screenwriting : Looking to working with others on this project by Robert John Chapman

Robert John Chapman

Looking to working with others on this project

I recently wrote a ten page treatment for a new film idea competition. Competition was cancelled so my concept is ready to move to the script writing stage. I would like to work with others on taking this to that next stage. If anyone is interested I'd love to hear from you. The title of the treatment is: The Vatican Encounter. The Logline: When 16th century sketches of an extraterrestrial's autopsy are found in the Vatican Secret Archives, all hell breaks loose. I will send on the synopsis and treatment to those who maybe interested. Bob

Chaitanya Kulkarni

Hi, I'd love to read your treatment and then we may collaborate. You can email it to me. Regards, Chaitanya.

Robert John Chapman

Hi Chaitanya. What is your email address? Bob

Robert John Chapman

Hi Alle. The reference to "all hell breaks loose" related to the location where the drawings were found. The hell is produced by the Cardinal overseeing security at the secret archives of the Vatican. A Cardinal in charge of restoration and preservation of the contents of the archives discovers the drawings. All is revealed in the synopsis and detailed in the treatment. My email is I look forward to sending you the requested. Bob

Toni Favilli

Hey Robert. I would be interested in taking a look at your work. ;-)

Robert John Chapman

Hi Toni, I appreciate that. If you could email me you email address I will send the synopsis and treatment as an attachment. Bob

Janet Scott

A cardinal in charge of the Vatican Archives vaults discovers records of an extra-terrestrial autopsy hidden amongst the secrets buried by the Cardinal of security determined to prevent the public knowing.

Janet Scott

Just practising the log lines thang.

Robert John Chapman

You are welcome. Loglines and synopsis are the hardest discipline.

Janet Scott

Yes they are Robert... that is for sure.

Janet Scott

I liked the suggestion that Alee put forward, I was just tinkering with what Alee said...

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