The only thing I've ever wanted to do was make movies. One of my very first memories is of being in Seattle with my family and watching Return of the Jedi in the theatre. I must have been about 4 or so. When Temple of Doom came out and Mola Rom ripped a dudes heart out of his chest I needed to know how they did that. I was so amazed. Later, when I found out about James Cameron and the fact that he wrote AND directed Aliens, The Abyss and Terminator 2: Judgment Day, I instantly wanted to know how he did that. How he came up with these stories. That's when I knew I wanted to be a writer. Since starting to write movies when I was about 13 I've written 19 (or 20) full length screenplays. 10 or 11 of those which will never see the light of day. As well as features, I've written two TV pilots and around 15 shorts. I've some minimal successes so far but nothing that has broken through. Not yet, at least. It's hard being the furthest north you can get in a tiny college town. But I try and produced some of my scripts, act in some and other's projects.