Hi, I would like to know is it a good idea to collaborate with someone on your first script or do it alone? I'm working on a comedy and it would be nice to have someone else's input. Oh, instead of input maybe I should’ve said advice about co- writing.
I think the answer might have a lot to do with your personality. I have tried, on three separate occasions, to collaborate on script projects. It has never worked for me. I think the reason is that, once I get inspired with a vision for a project, I see it so clearly that other voices just cannot be on the same page. On the other hand, if I were kind of stuck for a direction or character development was lacking, it might be that collaboration would stimulate both. For me, it matters how clear the initial vision is for me. If it's striking and clear, I'd better write it on my own.
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Just write the script and join a writer's Meetup Group and get the feedback on it.
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Collaboration, means the desire to collaborate. If you are not willing to include the opinions of other then you probably should not collaborate.
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Personal taste. If you feel you need another voice then seek one out!
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Do it alone. Less mess.
Thank you all for the advice, you’re awesome! Much appreciated.
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Never had to write with someone. I had reviewers. Collab is hard. Only good collaborator I have a a teen daughter who has great ideas. I am too selfish where I want my stories to go.