Need "NAME" talent... Real BOX OFFICE Draw talent? First, make sure you have a track record that can be verified. Second, make sure you have funding in place that can be verified. Third. Make sure you are ready with a packet to send out and you have the answers ready to the agents questions. Film info, Role, planned shooting dates, number of days required, project budget, script ready for review, other attachments... When you are ready call SAG at Phone 323-954-1600 in LA, or 212-944-1030 in NY. Ask for REPRESENTATION. Give the person the name of the individual you would like to speak with. They will give you the agents name and phone number. You can also sign up to IMDB Pro , you'll find a lot of contact information there. Now that you know how easy it is to get agent information, can you really afford these folk? Do you really need them ? If your budget is less than $500K i'd suggest you do not have enough money to hire anyone big enough to make a difference in your films sales potential. IF you have less than $1M, you probably can't afford any of the really big actors, but you might be able to get a lower level well know actor, but, when it comes to sorting out who might be valuable to you as a sales tool, you have to really look at the potential box office draw or sales draw that the person can deliver AND your costs associated with hiring them. Remember, their paycheck is just the beginning. You may find yourself dealing with first class travel, limos or at least a car with a driver, first class hotel accommodations, personal assistants, personal makeup, the proverbial "red M&Ms " syndrome and much more. You also need to understand the use of SAG and how they will OWN your movie and it's revenue if you do a SAG film. So keep in mind all the issues and add up all the costs before you decide to go SAG and hire a NAME.
Thank you for the insight! named talent
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My experience is that Georgia is right. Dig through the specifics of big actors who do small movies and 99 times out of 100 there is more than meets the eye. The script did not just come from a first timer. The actors almost always have some prior relationship to one of the key team members.
This piece is a bit negative, practical maybe, but still negative and Alle is right, good, bankable actors are always on the lookout for good writing. It;'s the agents who want all this other stuff, but they also want to please their clients and have them in work.
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its only negative if you do not have reasonable expectations. let us say I agree to disagree with your perceptions of the business if you think this wrong. Feel free to ignore my posts and remove me from your following list.
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Emily, the right format is important. People are used to seeing scripts laid out in the same way so when they see one laid out differently, having to make their mind figure this out is a distraction to getting involved in the story and characters. It puts them off. Why not make it easy for them. Grammer I would say is less important.
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Emily, grammar, spelling are part of the skill set a writer requires. You need to get over it. As to formatting... every industry has some basic formats for documentation. Writing a book, creating a report for a company, law enforcement, military, college reports, and guess what... writing a movie script is the same. Learn the "language" of writing a movie script before showing someone a movie script. If you can't, then write a story and get someone to turn it into script format. But don't worry, once your grammar, spelling and format are all correct, people will still tell you, your script might suck.... Everyone is a critic and every one has an opinion... and you know the old saying about opinions... just like another part of the anatomy - everyone has one.... in this business you must develop very thick skin. ... and NEVER give up.