Animation : Puppy Raid by Daniel Kim

Daniel Kim

Puppy Raid

Hi Stage32 ppl. Here is my new and old animation. I finished this one last year December, but I'm uploading here now. This animation is opening trailer for game called 'Puppy Raid' and this is full 3D animation as usual from my work. Please enjoy.

Rick Blackwell

Hey Daniel, I liked the trailer. I have a question for you. How do you decide which script is appropriate for 3D animation and which is more of a 2D script? I wrote an animated feature about 2 years ago and want to know which direction I should go with it's development?

Daniel Kim

Hi Rick. I think it doesn't matter 2D or 3D. If you think the final look is better with 2D or 3D, just go with it. Nothing is impossible recently.

Rick Blackwell

Thanks again, I'll keep an open mind. I like the way the 3D animation looks on your puppy raid.

Alan Knittel

Daniel was this done with Blender?"

Daniel Kim

Hi Alan. This project was done with Softimage

James David Sullivan

"Who let the dogs out?" ;-)

James David Sullivan

How many hours did it take to produce this?

Daniel Kim

Hey James. It took 1 month with total 3 artists.

James David Sullivan

Have you ever thought about doing something like the "Simpsons"?

Daniel Kim

if you are talking about classic 2D animation, nope. If you are talking about fun TV series animation, oh yes :)

Eric Thomas

Hey Daniel, I know you are half way around the world, but I like your stuff and have two animated Pilots I am working on getting produced. If you'd like to check out the scripts.

Michelle Cunningham

Daniel I have a client whose preparing their animation to be pitch to potential production company. It's still in the raw stage. I would like to forward him your contact info as well as your animation trailer. Please email me here on Stage 32 your contact information. Thanks, his name is Daniel as well.

Daniel Kim

Hi Michelle. Thank you for info. I sent you friend request. And my email is Please send me information about the project. Thank you

Michelle Cunningham

Thanks Daniel I will pass this on to our client.

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