Financing / Crowdfunding : STENDHAL - Alfred Hitchcock meets Jason Bourne by Lucinda Bruce

Lucinda Bruce

STENDHAL - Alfred Hitchcock meets Jason Bourne

STENDHAL is an action packed, psychological thriller!! Monty Maddox is seeing things, he faints and feels dizzy; is he going crazy? Whilst undergoing treatment for an unusual psychosomatic disorder, Monty is drawn into a world of terrorism and espionage, but is he just a pawn in a plot against the government? Is Stendhal Syndrome just a ruse? Stendhal Syndrome is a psychosomatic disorder that causes rapid heartbeat, dizziness, fainting, confusion, and even hallucinations when an individual is exposed to an experience of great personal significance, particularly the viewing of art. There have been over 100 recorded cases of it since the 1970’s. STENDHAL is a TV PILOT for a weekly 1 hour Action / Adventure CAMPAIGN - OUR GOAL Our target GOAL of $35,000 will help pay for equipment, permits and feeding the crew over a 6 day shoot but ultimately we would love to raise enough money to also pay our Cast and Crew for helping us out so much and making it possible for our project to get made! In return for your support, we have some amazing perks that will not only give you some cool Stendhal memorabilia but also allow you to be a huge part of this project! From T-shirts to posters, special edition DVD’s to Signed Cast photos, meet and greets with the Cast/Director, spend the day on set and even be an EXTRA!! There are other ways you can support us by sharing and inviting others to our campaign - THANK YOU!! Like us on FACEBOOK - Follow us on TWITTER – - @StendhalSeries

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