Introduce Yourself : Movies are what make the world go round... by Robert David Olsen

Robert David Olsen

Movies are what make the world go round...

Hello Stage 32!! It’s exciting to have this “Introduce Yourself” weekend! My name is Robert David Olsen, and I’m a director, screenwriter, and visual effects artist from Tucson, Arizona. I’ve spent the last 8 years as an animator, graphic designer, and visual effects artist for the ABC affiliate, KGUN-TV here in the desert. In that time, I have earned two Edward R. Murrow awards, and I’ve been nominated for Emmy’s on 3 different occasions for my work in visual effects and animation. In that time, I have also learned every aspect in the process of television and film production, from pre-production to post-production. I am currently working on my 3rd film with vfx, and it is a full-length feature titled El Alambrista: La Venganza, starring Jake “The Snake” Roberts. As VFX Supervisor, I was responsible for nearly 100 vfx shots in the film, which is slated to premiere at The Loft Cinema in Tucson on October 11, 2014 at 7:00pm! Earlier this year, I completed my first full-length feature screenplay. The running title on it is The A’tahsaia Project. I am currently looking for funding to make the film a reality, and my crew and I are also in the process of creating the novel version of the film. I have created a website to promote the project, and we’re looking forward to finding the best people to work with, so what better place to look than Stage 32! The link to the project is right here! Please take a few minutes and check it out! You will not be disappointed in what you see! I look forward to connecting with every single person on the site!!!

Deena Vichugsananon

Very interesting projects, Robert! It's unusual to convert a screenplay into a novel. Usually it's the other way around, yes? Are you thinking of converting it to a "graphic novel" or text-only novel?

Robert David Olsen

It's funny you should mention that, because we ARE in the process of creating a couple different graphic novels to tell side stories to the film. The film is very story and character driven, so there's a lot of side info that I think graphic novels would be perfect for! Thank you for the compliments!!

Deena Vichugsananon

I think graphic novels for side stories is a wonderful idea.

Robert David Olsen

Exactly!! I'm surprised how many filmmakers don't take advantage of that kind of opportunity to deepen the story they are trying to tell. I guess it's because we're in an age of where the stories aren't as strong in film as they used to be. Filmmakers seem to be very focused on post-production and visual effects to the point that the story starts to suffer...

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