Your Stage : Coming to theaters by David Rountree

David Rountree

Coming to theaters

Hi Stage 32 friends. 108 Stitches (baseball comedy in theaters September 12, which I wrote/directed) recently headlined the front page of the Hollywood Reporter. I appreciate all of the support from the members here on this site. Thank you.

Antonio Ingram

Wow that's great David. That has to feel good. I congratulate you on the success you've achieved and the success you will achieve in the future.

David Rountree

Thanks Antonio. I appreciate the support.

Philip Sedgwick

We love baseball movies in my house. Our butts will be in the seats!

Michael Phillip Simpson

Hey David,A Big Congradulations !!!!! Keep rocking the jungle !!

David Rountree

Great! Thank you Philip. The movie is Rated R, but is a very soft R. There is no nudity (except bare male butt in a funny locker room moment) and there is some language, but not a lot. The F-bomb is used a few times, but more in casual conversation and never used in a sexual manner. The movie has a good 80's movie feel to it.

Peter Killam

Congratulations David! I am looking forward to this. I coach Little League so any baseball movie will be a must see.

Philip Sedgwick

We can deal with all that! Heck (hell), we have cable. Looking forward to seeing it. Where will it premiere?

David Rountree

It will premiere in Los Angeles, but will be in a lot of major cities. The closest to you will be Phoenix and Scottsdale at the moment. We may be in a few more places as it gets closer.

Philip Sedgwick

Guess we'll have to head up to see the D'Backs at the same time! Unless I happen to be in LA then. Gotta be exciting. THR coverage! Well done, mate.

David Rountree

Thanks so much. Much appreciated. I have another film coming to theaters in late October, but it's quite a different genre.

Philip Sedgwick

Late October! Perfect, hot apple cider time. I'm there. Nice job.

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