Is it just me or does anyone else do most of their best writing late at night. Its crazy I can be in the bed relaxing trying to go to sleep and then my brain just goes into overdrive. I then find myself sitting up at 1 a.m. writing.
it's usually quiet late at night, everyone's asleep, and the pace is much slower. My daughter is older now so i relish being able to get that time to myself again. :)
Hey Clark, I'm with you. Same here,the second a story enters my head I can't get it out of there until I put it on paper or my laptap and "yes" I wake in the middle of the night just like you or even worst I miss my stop on the NYC subway if the story takes a hold of me there. But all in all your on track..Good luck man.
Night owl writing is pretty typical, though some super-disciplined folks are able to train themselves to treat writing like a day job, doing it for anywhere from four to six or more hours during the day and occasionally taking the weekends off. Graham Greene was famous for doing this -- I think I recall aiming for about 500 words a day.
it's usually quiet late at night, everyone's asleep, and the pace is much slower. My daughter is older now so i relish being able to get that time to myself again. :)
Alle I do that too sometimes. Now I just put it all in my notepad on my cell phone. So when I get home I can type it out
David the quiet time is what gets me too
I do my writing at night or early morning ... married life, job and kids makes it challenging. Or I go to a coffee house to write.
Hey Clark, I'm with you. Same here,the second a story enters my head I can't get it out of there until I put it on paper or my laptap and "yes" I wake in the middle of the night just like you or even worst I miss my stop on the NYC subway if the story takes a hold of me there. But all in all your on track..Good luck man.
Jorge that's good stuff man. I almost missed a stop here in LA on the train myself. Thanks
I sometimes write at 2 or 3am, it's easier to concentrate when everyone is in bed, peace and quiet!
Heather that is a good time to write but for some reason I feel I write my best when Its not so quiet. Like when I'm out and about during the day.
Yes I know what you mean, sometimes I like it quiet, but others not so quiet, I find I get my best ideas whilst soaking in the bath.
I absolutely love writing from midnight until dawn. It's quiet with no distratctions.
Are you kidding? Is there another way?!
Needing to write late at night drives me crazy. I'm NOT a night owl.
I write late at night.... earlier in the morning when the family isn't not up and about or I go out to a coffee house.
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I feel the same exact way I barely get any writing done in the daytime lol
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I am a night person too, I am most creative the later it gets.
I want to write late at night, but my brain just starts shutting down.
I do it. Quiet time.
is there any other time? lol
Night owl writing is pretty typical, though some super-disciplined folks are able to train themselves to treat writing like a day job, doing it for anywhere from four to six or more hours during the day and occasionally taking the weekends off. Graham Greene was famous for doing this -- I think I recall aiming for about 500 words a day.