You know the one I speak of. That scene that took you days, weeks, months or years to finally squeeze out of your imagination. The one scene that stalled you and made you tear your hair out and made you feel inadequate and shit. The one that made you doubt you could write at all. Now I don't care to hear from those who have never had that problem and think they are all that. After a few years of not being happy with every incarnation of a certain scene I finally birthed that fucker a few minutes ago to my satisfaction and feel enormous relief. It's been a troublesome screenplay that I have given up on many times due to many reasons like characters not working, plotting not working, scenes not working, but the overall idea I believed in enough to keep coming back to. NOW I can move on and finish this troublesome bastard.
Does the story include colourful language, Cherie, LOL, thought you might still be in character - don't think I've experienced that kind of scene myself, though there are the inevitable stumbling blocks occasionally, but nothing too severe - the important thing is that you have overcome that obstacle and able to move on, your language displays your relief quite adequately.
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Well done, Cherie. That big bowl of literary prunes has finally kicked in and let the prose flow. Yeah, I've suffered that but probably for not as long a period as you.
It was a particular, pivotal and difficult scene where certain things had to happen to result in a outcome that would steer the whole story. It's the inciting incident. I had written a few versions, but none that made me feel right.
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Nothing to say here but congratulations. Yes, been there. Know the pain well, have known the pleasure only occasionally. I can imagine your relief and sense of triumph.
mama hope delete your posts. they aren't suitable. and they're weird.
Cherie, you've won a heart at last, told you the drought would end, LOL.
funny. haha.
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goodness gracious Cherie, I've had that, but mine were usually the size of entire acts. Back when I used to write when I was younger, a tough scene would stall out my whole creative process and bring the entire project to a standstill. I am very happy for you, it sounds like you were really struggling with it.