Stage 32 Meetups : Charlotte, north carolina meet up by Jessica Rose

Jessica Rose

Charlotte, north carolina meet up

***UPDATE: FINAL PLANS FOR MEET UP: We will meet at Carrabba's Italian Grill right off Highway 85 at Bruton Smith Blvd. at 6:30 on Friday, September 12th. Address is Carrabba's Italian Grill, 7900 Lyles Ln NW, Concord, NC 28027. ***

Heather Hale

Charlotte - are you on Facebook? I have a lot of Charlotte-area friends who worked on Absolute Killers with US! ;-) You could post on my FB site if you like? ;-)

Jessica Rose

Great! Thanks Heather! I'll do that!

Amanda Toney

Jessica, when you do your meet up, don't forget to take a photo and send it in to Stage 32. We'd love you to take part in celebrating our 3rd anniversary with us!

Patrina Reddick - Pimosh Publishing

I'm in Charlotte, NC and would love more information about the meet-up and find out what I can do to help?

Patrina Reddick - Pimosh Publishing

September (obviously after September 1) will work fine for me. Thanx!

Lynn Beverly

Hi guys. I am in Charlotte as well!

Debbie Oliver

Me to... Actually Waxhaw

Sue Johnson

I'm in Concord, NC and interested. Keep me informed! Will be in LA end of September and hopefully will meet up with writers there too!

Jessica Rose

So excited to here from everyone! Great! Let's do it! First let's agree on a date. I know not everyone can do all dates, so please check your calendars and see if any of these dates are good for you. Thought maybe we could meet at a restaurant in the Concord Mills area which will be about medium between all areas. Can't wait!!! Monday, 9/8 - Tuesday, 9/9, Thursday 9/11 or Friday 9/12. Is 6:00 or 6:30 best for everyone?

Jessica Rose

Shannon, yes we will definitely take a pic!! So glad to be a part of the anniversary!!

Thomas Wolke

You should attend the Charlotte Film Community meetup.

Jessica Rose

Thomas, I didn't see it when I looked. Can you give us information on the Charlotte Film Community meetup?

Amanda Toney

We'd appreciate it if this meetup could be more focused on Stage 32 members than an outside film festival. We encourage you to all check out the film festival, but let's keep this thread specifically about the meetup :)

Lynn Beverly

I think the request from Shannon was referencing the posts that discuss the Film festival...which we can easily do anywhere else. I'm glad she said something. Because I was about to change the subject myself... We are all collectively organizing the Charlotte meetup. Most everyone will have a 30 minute drive somewhere no matter where we meet. Personally, I live 9 minutes from Concord Mills, but I'm willing to drive up to an hour. It beats a plane ticket! I think it will be more than worth it, in order to meet other people in our field. It's really the only way to build relationships and get projects into the works. So! We just need a day. 6:30 Sounds good Jessica. Friday, September 12 is a good day too (anyone feel free to object). We can meet somewhere in Charlotte. There are 2 Tilted Kilts and they have always been very accommodating for our groups, they have good food, and inexpensive drinks:) I know Paul, the owner of the one near Carowinds, and he's a very nice guy.

Jessica Rose

Thomas, is the Charlotte Film Community meet up for the Stage 32 anniversary? If so, please let us know times and dates and we can join you! Shannon, the Charlotte Film Community is not a festival, but a community of actors, screenwriters, etc., so we will check to see if they are having an anniversary meet up before we duplicate efforts. Lynn, if the Charlotte Film Community meet up is not for Stage 32 anniversary, we can proceed with our meeting. Tilted Kilts is a great idea! I have not eaten there before, but a Friday, 9/12 and a 6:30 time is great! Carlen and everyone, how is that location and time for you if the Charlotte Film Community is not conducting a meet up for Stage 32 anniversary? Traffic may be bad on a Friday, so everyone will need to start out early! Let's wait a day to see if Thomas will reply and I will also message him and we will go from there. I can print out a poster with Stage 32 we can roll out and hold unless someone else has an idea. I'll be in touch tomorrow after we hear from Thomas. Thanks all!

Thomas Wolke

The CFC meets first Tuesday of the month, although in September they'll meet on the 9th at the Suite (third floor of the Epicenter) to present winners of their film contest. They might even show the film they made of my prize winning script, assuming it's been completed. So far as I know, they aren't doing anything for Stage 32.

Jessica Rose

Thank you for the information, Thomas and congratulations on your film! Since our meeting is Stage 32 anniversary related, we will continue with coordinating a meet up for that purpose. One of these days I hope to attend one of the Charlotte Film Communities meet ups! Have a great weekend!

Jessica Rose

For those who replied with interest to attend a Charlotte, NC area Stage 32 Anniversary meet up, we have one suggestion so far as a place and a time. The date suggested is Friday, 9/12 at 6:30 at Tilted Kilts. The restaurant is located off Carowinds Blvd. There is another one in Matthews. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can attend or a suggestion as to another date and location. We want as many as possible to attend. We will decide on the final date and place in the next couple of days. Thanks everyone! I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible!! I can swing by and pick up someone in Concord or the north side of Charlotte on my way from Kannapolis if necessary. The only thing that will keep me from coming is my niece's baby is due around that time and if it comes, I will not be able to attend, but will get the poster to someone if necessary. Also, does anyone have suggestions on a poster? We have a poster printer here and I have the emblem for Stage 32 sent by Shannon for our use, but will offer any suggestions or if someone else is interested in printing a sign, etc. that is welcome also. See ya soon! Jessica

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Jessica -I'll send out an email with the proposed details to members in the area and try to get more people on this thread :)

Kay Shelton

Thank you for organizing this, Jessica. I'm in Winston-Salem, and would come, but I had already made plans to go to Charleston. Hopefully I'll get to the next one!

Shante Slagle

Hi Jessica, I'm from Charlotte and would love to come to the Meetup on the 12th.

Debbie Oliver

12th works

Jessica Rose

Great! Looks like we have about 5 so far. Please let us know if you plan on attending, so an area can be reserved. Lynn, will you be able to reserve a space for us? Also, anyone have ideas for a sign to hold up for our pic? 6:30, Friday September 12 at Tilted Kilts at Carowinds Blvd. Look forward to it! Thanks everyone!

Jessica Rose

Kay, we will miss you on this one! Hope you have a great time in Charleston!

Lynn Beverly

Now I'm torn...i may go to Charleston with Kay:) but yes i will reserve a space for us! Do we know how many people are coming?

Lynn Beverly

You're welcome Carlen! I'm sure you will be missed...

Jessica Rose

Thanks Lynn and Carlen for letting us know your change of plans. This leaves 3 that may come. Shall we regroup and change the date to 9/9 or 9/11? Will that help keep the attendance? If not and those who couldn't make the Concord Mills area cannot attend, could we keep the 12th and move closer to Concord Mills? Either way is fine with me, just trying to adjust due to conflicts. Thanks everyone! I will wait for more replies. For those who are not able to meet when we finalize everything, if you can send me a pic of yourself and we can hold it up, so you will at least be represented! What do you all think of that? Thanks! Jessica

Shante Slagle

I like the 12th best but I think I can make it work with either of those dates. Closer to Concord Mills is cool.

Lynn Beverly

Ok, Concord Mills sounds good to me too. I'm with you Shante, the 12th would be best for me, but I can probably make the others work too

Jessica Rose

Carlen, we WILL miss you, but congratulations on your shoot! I would love to have one scheduled and working! Lynn, you had me fooled. I really thought you were going to Charleston! ha,ha Ok, so 9/12 will stay the date and 6:30 the time. We will change the location to the Concord Mills area. When we con firm a place, I'll let the staff at Stage 32 know, so we will all be on the same base. Debbie, will the Concord Mills area work for you and all you others who haven't replied? We are getting there! Thank you for everyone's input! Can't wait!

Jessica Rose

FINAL PLANS FOR MEET UP: We will meet at Carrabba's Italian Grill right off Highway 85 at Bruton Smith Blvd. at 6:30 on Friday, September 12th. Address is Carrabba's Italian Grill, 7900 Lyles Ln NW, Concord, NC 28027. I will try to call ahead for seating and will bring a poster for our pic, unless someone else volunteers before that time to print poster/sign. Let me know if you will attend and I'll be looking for you!! Happy Anniversary Stage 32!!!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Awesome! I'll send an email out to the area, too, to let all the 32ers know about it that may not know about this thread! Make sure to send the pics to me at

Kay Shelton

I won't be able to be there, but hopefully, I'll see you at the next one!

Jessica Rose

Thanks Julie! Kay, we will miss you, but hope we can do this again!

Christine James

Julie, so happy this is being organized. Prior commitment for me this weekend, but really hoping we do this again. Sorry to miss. Y'all have fun!

Debbie Oliver

Sorry I won't be able to attend. Look forward to meeting you all soon.

Christine James

Thanks for reaching out, Jessica! Hope to meet you soon. Looking forward to a future meetup. Y'all have fun Friday!

Bruce W Greene

Do we RSVP somewhere?

Jessica Rose

Yes, right here! Shall we add you to the count for 6:30 tomorrow at Carrabbas? Thanks for connecting! Jessica

Bruce W Greene

yes, thanks .... 2 please

Jessica Rose

Great, Bruce, we have you and your guest on the list! Since we only have 6 signed up, we were eligible for call ahead seating for up to 7. Please ask for "Stage 32" when you arrive at 6:30 and we hope the wait for seating will be reduced. They indicated call ahead reduces wait time, but doesn't mean our table will be ready upon arrival. If we have more show up, we will definitely wait for more space. Look forward to seeing everyone this evening. I'll print off several 8 1/2 by 11 Stage 32 signs for our pic. I was unable to have the poster printed. The gentleman at Carrabbas indicated someone will be glad to take our pic!! Thanks all! Jessica

Bruce W Greene

I'm sorry folks, we've had a minor emergency up here in Boone and won't be able to make it

Jessica Rose

Thanks for letting us know, Bruce! Hope everything turns out good and hope to meet up again in the future.

Jessica Rose

Hello out there! I'm at Carrabbas holding our table. all are caught in traffic. Let me know if something came up so I can move to smaller table.

Lynn Beverly

I'm so sorry I wasn't able to make it! I was really looking forward to meeting everyone. I had to do some last minute background work in Wilmington. Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to connect.

Jessica Rose

We understand Lynn!! There will be more! Look forward to meeting you in the future!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi Jessica - can you send photos to me?

Jessica Rose

Will send Julie. Carlen, it went great! There were 4 of us and we did a lot of sharing and had a great time. Hope to do it again in November!!

Collier Ward

Are there any Charlotte area groups meeting currently (July, 2018)?

Jessica Rose


There are not any that I know of. I will check the meet up section. If you ever want to arrange one, let me know and we may be able to work together to get the word out.

Thanks! Jessica

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