ATTENTION!!!!! SEEKING NON-UNION ACTORS/ACTRESSES Auditions are October 18th. From 10am to 3pm. If you would like to audition please let me know. There are still open times available. You can check out the open roles on the page below. Thanks ALL OPEN ROLES CHARACTERS Saber – REO team leader, Alpha unit, age range: 28 to 38 Dash – REO team, Alpha unit, British SAS, age range: 25 to 30 Lynx – REO team, Bravo unit, French GIGN, age range: 25 to 30 Ice – REO team, Alpha unit, age range: 25 to 30 Bear – REO team, Bravo unit, Russian Spetsnaz, age range: 25 to 30 Hawk- REO team, Bravo unit, Arabic, age range: 25 to 30 Bolt – REO team, Bravo unit, Australian SAS, age range: 25 to 30 Hive – REO team, Tango unit, age range: 25 to 30 Shadow- REO team, Sniper, age range: 25 to 30 Swift – REO team, Sniper, age range: 25 to 30 News Reporter/ Agent Seven – Any ethnicity, age range: 21 to 28, Female Brainwash – Asian, female, age range: 24 to 30 Harpoon – Male, age range: 22 to 28 Buo (Owlgirl) – Hispanic, age range: 18 to 24 Spartan – Male, Caucasian, age range:28 to 35 Oso – Male, hispanic, Height: 6’2” & up, age range: 20 to 25 ISCU Director – age range: 50 to 65, any ethnicity, CEO Ruth Schroder – Caucasian, age range: 50 to 65 CEO Eduardo Ortiz – Hispanic, age range:40 to 55, CEO Richard Beck – Texas accent, Caucasian, age range: 40 to 55 CEO Taeki Minamoto – Japanese, age range: 40 to 60, CEO Donald Murdock – British, african-american, age range: 40 to 65, NSA Carlos Callaghan – hispanic, age range:35 to 45 NSA female agent – any ethnicity, age range:28 to 35 The team is made up of soldiers from all over the world, so I need people who can do accents, like French, British, German, Russian, Chinese, Australian, or any other accents. Email: Check out the Facebook page for the project to get more information.