Introduce Yourself : Actor, Director Gai Jones by Gai Jones

Gai Jones

Actor, Director Gai Jones

Commercial Actress, New Agent, Acting Teacher at Santa Barbara City College Center for LIfelong Learning, Extended Learning Academy (Ventura Community College), Teaches PDI for Theatre teachers at CA State University, East Bay, director at Ojai Arts Center Theater, Elite Theatre, Ojai Youth Entertainment Studio (OYES), in OJai, has 4 Theatre ed textbooks RAISING THE CURTAIN,; Break a Leg, a love letter for Theatre educators,; Curtain Goin' Up, Tips and Truisms for Community Theatre volunteers,; THE STUDENT ACTOR PREPARES: ACTING FOR LIFE,

K-12 Curriculum, Advanced Placement, ELA
K-12 Curriculum, Advanced Placement, ELA
K-12 curriculum solutions including Advanced Placement, English Language Arts (ELA), Vocabu-Lit® (6-12), AMSCO® AP® Coursebooks

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