Introduce Yourself : Life's a Pitch and then they buy (if you're lucky!) by CJ Critt

CJ Critt

Life's a Pitch and then they buy (if you're lucky!)

Pitching my horror comedy this weekend, and looking forward to sharing the story of the haunted sorority house in ...Sigma Delta Die. This indie-cult-hit-waiting-to-happen has some local low budget interest with a pair of young and ambitious film makers, which will be the ideal back up plan if the big fish don't bite. Here's to Plan B, C, K and Z (the Zombie version, of course).

Richard "RB" Botto

Hope you knock the pitch out of the park, CJ!

CJ Critt

Thanks! Got a script request from Joe Russo at Level 1 - so the ball is in Joe's court - and thankfully the pitch did it's job - whew!

Richard "RB" Botto

That's fantastic news, CJ. Well done! Joe is a terrific guy. Wishing you all the best.

Eve Morton

I'm pitching for the first time this October at the Austin Film Festival's annual pitch competition...nervous as heck but practically know it by heart now. Any advice?

Ernest Romeo

Good luck on your pitch . I hope you have a good fast ball. lol

CJ Critt

Hi Eve, My suggestion to you are several. You WILL be nervous in Austin so prepare for nerves, now. Get out of your comfort zone and practice the pitch with the phone ringing, dogs barking, kids pestering, the TV going, etc. Why? Because if you can focus and stay on track highlighting the important action in a concise and compelling way - no matter what - you will be better prepared, because things do go wrong, distractions are many and nerves can really smack you down. Also, practice for everyone who will listen. If they are loving and supportive, great, but even if they eye roll, and act impatient, that is still good prep for executives who have heard and seen it all. Rehearsal helps with nerves and giving you a sense of what is working and not. However, don't be so memorized and polished that is seems like a rote performance. And this is tricky. You need to prepare, but not be so slick that your pitch loses all sense of being conversational and 'in the moment'. Love your writing and practice your pitch with care and discipline to help others love your writing by asking to read it. Good luck! CJ

Amanda Toney

Good luck CJ! Having been a part of the greek system when I was in college- LOVE the title!!

Eve Morton

Thanks so much for the great advice! It's really polished now...I'm working on making it sound not rehearsed at the moment.

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Exactly Eve... and just be yourself and enjoy.

Yasmin Neal

so you pitched this weekend? this past weekend?

CJ Critt

Sure did.

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