Hi I am the founder of Chippendales,former film commissioner,music lawyer,concert promoter..Now I do business affairs for film production.Business affairs is unique,we provide consultation,negotiation,permits,union,deal memos etc..check me out further on http://www.imdb.me/brucenahin and like 'sat my new producers information page on Facebook..which has various memos and such of interest to people in the entertainment industry
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Fascinating and a very important commodity for productions! Welcome!
Fantastic to have you here, Bruce!
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You had me at founder of the Chippendales... ;-) Great to see such a wealth of experience on Stage 32, nice to meet you.
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Hahaha, Laurie. Love it.
Hello Bruce. I went to Chippendale's in WLA once after the all male review. Upon entering I was viewed by the all female crowd as a piece of meat... it was an Epic Night! Thank you sir!
Great to have you as a member Bruce!
One of my high school buddies was a Chippendales dancer, and he loved it.
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Bruce is a good dude with heaps of industry knowledge and a knack for picking great coffee places for meetings.
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You mentioned Chippendales and the scene from SNL with Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley popped into my head. I would definitely say Chippendales is a cultural icon. Cheers to you!