Hi Everyone! My name's Heidi Schooler & I'm an actor/comedienne/writer/producer, with the unique trait of being also a whacky VO artist, who does voices for animation, as well as serious campaigns. - I have written a funny TV comedy pilot, and it's now being sent to interested people (Lit. reps & producers/prod. co's). My acting background is everything from The Actors Studio, to Improv comedy, and have an honest & real take on most things. I also have learned to laugh at everything, so I have a good sense of humor, which helps with creating fun characters, & when working w/other people on their projects! :-)! More info., bio, reels, pics, resumes, plse. go to my website www.heidischooler.com &/or www.imdb.me/heidischooler- Thanks! I look forward to connecting! :-)!
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Hi Heidi - I like your website. Impressive reel collection. Best of luck.
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Welcome Heidi! Best wishes to you! :)
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Love your reel and love your acting. Welcome and hope all goes well for you.
Thnx so much for your comments, Tomasz, Shannon, & William! Nice to connect! Plse. keep me posted as to whatever you also are involved in! :-)!
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Welcome! Great things happen in stages
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Welcome, nice web page!
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Hi, great website!
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Cool to meet you Heidi. Welcome!
Thnx so much Mike,Enrique, Sean, & Dana! Grt to meet you all as well!! Plse kp me posted on whatever you're working on- would love to hear! Sending u all the best, H :-)!
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Good luck with the comedy pilot!
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Good Luck Heidi, Love your demo reels!
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Thnx so much Randal & Eric! sending u the best! and plse kp me posted as to your projects as well! :-)!
Thanks Boomer! Good Luck with your project & kp me posted abt all! Nice to meet you! sending you the best, HS :-)!
Hi Triana! :-)!
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Hi Heidi. Congratulations on achieving respectable landmarks in your career!