Introduce Yourself : Hi All! Introducing myself during this special Intro. Wknd! Thanks! :-)! by Heidi Schooler

Heidi Schooler

Hi All! Introducing myself during this special Intro. Wknd! Thanks! :-)!

Hi Everyone! My name's Heidi Schooler & I'm an actor/comedienne/writer/producer, with the unique trait of being also a whacky VO artist, who does voices for animation, as well as serious campaigns. - I have written a funny TV comedy pilot, and it's now being sent to interested people (Lit. reps & producers/prod. co's). My acting background is everything from The Actors Studio, to Improv comedy, and have an honest & real take on most things. I also have learned to laugh at everything, so I have a good sense of humor, which helps with creating fun characters, & when working w/other people on their projects! :-)! More info., bio, reels, pics, resumes, plse. go to my website &/or Thanks! I look forward to connecting! :-)!

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Hi Heidi - I like your website. Impressive reel collection. Best of luck.

Amanda Toney

Welcome Heidi! Best wishes to you! :)

William Keith

Love your reel and love your acting. Welcome and hope all goes well for you.

Heidi Schooler

Thnx so much for your comments, Tomasz, Shannon, & William! Nice to connect! Plse. keep me posted as to whatever you also are involved in! :-)!

Mike Layne

Welcome! Great things happen in stages

Enrique Novello

Welcome, nice web page!

Sean Patrowich

Hi, great website!

Dana Lee

Cool to meet you Heidi. Welcome!

Heidi Schooler

Thnx so much Mike,Enrique, Sean, & Dana! Grt to meet you all as well!! Plse kp me posted on whatever you're working on- would love to hear! Sending u all the best, H :-)!

Randall C Willis

Good luck with the comedy pilot!

Eric Pagan

Good Luck Heidi, Love your demo reels!

Heidi Schooler

Thnx so much Randal & Eric! sending u the best! and plse kp me posted as to your projects as well! :-)!

Heidi Schooler

Thanks Boomer! Good Luck with your project & kp me posted abt all! Nice to meet you! sending you the best, HS :-)!

Heidi Schooler

Hi Triana! :-)!

Paulo Bethencourt

Hi Heidi. Congratulations on achieving respectable landmarks in your career!

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