David J. Soto: Animator, author and voice artist in Tucson, Arizona.

David J. Soto

I have finally started posting my episodes to The Bell Dimension, Part I at cine-machine.com

If you are interested in working with us on this project, please email sample voice reel, requirements, etc., to cine-machine@outlook.com

Thanks! ...dave

David J. Soto

"Desperately CRAZY for You!", a murder mystery about a detective who faints at the sight of blood: storyboard and screenplay sample; "The Bell Dimension Deux" sci-fi 5-minute Preview; Violin Teacher Dedication; Brotherly Love book launch; Mariachi and a silent auction to benefit Unscrewed Theatre, T...

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David J. Soto

I have just released my final PREVIEW of "the Angora Bell" that is 1 min 10 secs long and starts the story of imprisoning the wrong thief. The 5 min 45 sec FESTIVAL preview is also done.

If you live in the Tucson area, I'd like to show my Festival preview to a closed audience for feedback. I have a t...

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David J. Soto
The Bell Dimension animatic

I have finally created a decent animatic. If you live in the Tucson area and you are interested in helping to develop this film, please drop me a line at beeflowerpower@gmail.com and let me know your specialty, i.e., voice overs, 3d artist, musician, etc. and I'll send you the password if you send m...

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David J. Soto
Animated Pre-viz . . . a vital tool in development

As an independent animator, I literally play with "software", like iClone 7, Blender, etc., in order to develop ideas that honestly spur other ideas that I might have not thought of. It's very similar to writing as you go over the story and make minor changes, they all add up and can change the dyna...

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David J. Soto

So I've added a few videos I've done over the last few days at home using a low end green screen setup and ShotCut software to drop the green screen.

Both backgrounds and foregrounds were done in iClone 7.

These are just rough layouts of character movements. I did these within a day for each video wit...

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David J. Soto

I have received too many green screen samples so please don't send anymore. Upon reflection, it would be best if these are shot in studio as the "different greens" are not working as easily as I had hoped. Hopefully, one of the local studios will be able to help out after lockdown is over.

I want to...

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David J. Soto

I downloaded a green screen from Google images. Try to match this Hex color: 00fe00. Attached is a sample color I'm looking for but it does not have to be that exact.

Also, do not wear any "green" or "striped" clothing.

If you'd like me to "composite" a still frame of you before you record the video,...

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David J. Soto

As I move into creating a "new" Preview of "The Bell Dimension" I will be looking into "Green Screen" compositing as I prefer a real human to the 3D version.

If you happen to have a green screen, in costume and makeup that is "similar" to what is shown in the current Preview, I'd appreciate testing t...

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David J. Soto

Oh my gosh! Have I been gone that long? I have "finally" produced a decent pre-viz story that's worth watching, when you have time. It's about 14 mins or so. I was told the "credits" are too long. There are some gaffs and this was mostly produced using Reallusion's iClone 7 and ShotCut Video Editor...

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David J. Soto
David J. Soto

Stage 32 members: A director/production company based in London has expressed interest in shooting my script in Wales and Giza/Deir el Bahri. I'm looking for an experienced producer and a funding expert to help develop this film. If you are interested, please let me know. This is just preliminary in...

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David J. Soto

Yikes! A year already. Working on this: thebelldimension.wordpress.com

David J. Soto

I posted ver 2 of "the Angora Bell" on Zoetrope.com. 1st review: "a fun and fast read" and there were a few unresolved questions, but they are minor questions. I consider this quite an achievement as I finally feel the story and character arcs are complete. I have also created a PREVIEW with music a...

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The Angora Bell
The Angora Bell
a sci-fi fantasy under development...
David J. Soto

I have a new Comedy Short script available for review and would appreciate any feedback. Thanks! ...dave https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61274459/Fantasy%20Photo%20Booth%20v......

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David J. Soto

Just received a copy of Story Sense by Paul Lucey. This book is different from all the other Screenplay books I have read so far. Although it is really a 12 week writing class, the in-depth knowledge on story and character are invaluable so I will be busy for quite some time and hope to rewrite a st...

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Nicholas Patrick

Will you check out my work and tell me what you think? http://www.hanszimmerwantsyou.com/tracks/1417 Here is my personal website if you want to hear more of my work. http://nicholas-patrick.com...

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David's network

Maurice Vaughan
Daniel Hess
Daan Van 't Einde
David Obaniyi
Ryan McGuire
Marty Chartrand
Federico Alerta
Timothy Pepper
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