Thanks for the Add. please be sure to view my DEADLY SILENCE Short film @
Thanks for the Add. please be sure to view my DEADLY SILENCE Short film @
Thank you for adding me to your network LJ. I look forward to learning more about Asoral and what you do.
As domestic violence continues to plague society, there are survivors who are speaking out. Statistics show and increase, even among men. Read these survival stories and the words of hope and encouragement within these pages. In addition, there are resources for safety and warning signs. Prevention is also covered as much as it can be. Inflicting domestic abuse is a choice. You do not have to be a victim or remain a silent sufferer. There is help.
If you read Hit & Run you'd better fasten your seat belts.... and "You Better Run" is going to leave you wanting more! After Helen is killed for crossing her husband Jeff, Dorian and her gang of misfits are dismembered. Dorian is having financial troubles and is struggling with care of her 4 year old daughter. All that is about to change when Jeff makes her an offer she can't refuse.
Mr. & Mrs. Santiago is a short story that will have you wondering. Javier and Victoria Santiago have been married for ten years with no children. He is a hard working businessman and she is a busybody who works with a charity. Their worlds are about to cross in an unexpected way. Who will survive the collision?
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