Morning all, my name is Keith. I'm a writer of poetry, short stories and TV and movie stuff; (i use the word stuff because it fills the quota of being more specific), quasi fiction loosely based of my last 16 years of life. got married at 30, to the wrong woman (story in itself), had a beautiful baby boy 1 year later, he was diagnosed with leukemia just a short 2 months later around XMAS. 9 months; we left the hospital for the 2nd time. Cole passed away only 21 months after his birth but left behind a wake of joy, excitement, heartache, twists, turns, love, passion and the full spectrum of life. his eyes, wow, his eyes were the imagination of, of creation itself as you could see beyond any dream one could recall. his smile, his smile, sunsets on santorini greece were a pale second to his always present grin. but his heart, his heart was the thunder beating life into your soul and with each glorious thump ones own reason for being, fell into a synchronous rhythm that resonated all of life itself. What took place between during and after has been a story in itself but the passion i have been developing from passed memories, factual or close to continue to pour out of my thoughts, through my arms and out through my fingers. I'm here because this has always been an exciting line to stand in. Not sure where its going to end up as I can only see as far as the next enthusiast but the passion I feel from those around me, I know its a destination i'm meant reach. I have since had 2 more beautiful children with the same woman, been diagnosed with psychological ailments, bounced around in my career from one job to another and have been homeless since Nov, living out of my car, working a fulltime job and just trying to survive the rat race we call life. Thank you all for Stage 32! I have been a member for 2 years now and finally seeing the benefits from an amazing site and collection of similar minds, thoughts and passions all in one place. i look forward to meeting a lot of you and working hand in hand with many others! Keith