Lloyd M. Brock: Actor, director and producer in Redlands, California.

Lloyd M. Brock

Steven, I use people with your skills from time to time. Lloyd Brock

Kathryn Leeman

My office is in Redlands, maybe we can chat.

Lloyd M. Brock

Call me after 10:00 AM, I'm in the Redlands phone book. I can give you more details our film group. Lloyd

Lloyd M. Brock

Hi Kathryn, You should join The Independent Filmmakers of the Inland Empire. Great connections there. We meet once a month. f you want more information, contact me. Lloyd Brock

Kathryn Leeman

Thanks so much!

Kathryn Leeman

Please let me know where and when. I've tried to research it, yet little info.

Lloyd M. Brock

Google the following: Independent Filmmakers of the Inland Empire, Riverside, CA The November meeting in San Bernardino is listed.

James Di Giacomo
How does one get into VO

My whole life I have had everyone from regular folks, singers, Broadway stars and voice teachers tell me my voice belongs on the radio. As a comedic actor, I would love to do voice-over work like cartoons. I have appeared in many TV commercials, TV shows and indie films and never pursued VO work bec...

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Suzanne, Unless you're a producer or sound engineer, I enthusiastically suggest you DO NOT try to produce your own demo reels. ~ A seminar "ain't gonna cut it". ~ Go to www.voicebank.net and listen to...

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Scott Bourquin

VO is like anything else, you get out what you out in. I just finished writing a book, "The Easy Guide To Podcasting". It should be out within a month. Recording at home is pretty easy if you do a few...

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James David Sullivan

My question is, how do I get out of VO? ;-) JK

Keefer C. Blakeslee
Keefer C. Blakeslee

I've been, "in the business" since the age of 6. I am currently a Radio Host for Voice America Kids, Movie Reviewer and Red Carpet Interviewer for KIDS FIRST!, Writer for Huffington Post Teens, "A" student and a trumpet player. My goal is to replace Mel Brooks when he desires to retire. I'm building...

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Lloyd M. Brock

Don't ever lose site of your dream.

Keefer C. Blakeslee


Lloyd M. Brock

I knew I'd get some flack on that comment. There are a lot of films out there that were sold and produced, and they're not that great, artistically anyway. Sometimes these bad films make a lot of money and are successful. I just shake my head in disbelief. I've read some really great scripts that ne...

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Michael Savage Aka Sirtony Member Of Marquis Who's Who In America

Also ... Lloyd ...go to my special pioneer site 3 Day Demo to help Actors...have a great journey ... .. http://www.3DayDemo.com

Michael Savage Aka Sirtony Member Of Marquis Who's Who In America

PS...here is a Special Update Intro film ... enjoy the journey... http://youtu.be/ZNmwIcOpxAw

Michael Savage Aka Sirtony Member Of Marquis Who's Who In America

Blessings Lloyd M. Brock ...from me and my wife Lani for the NETWORK Request...here is my newest film from my Award Winning Film Series... 'THE RIVER OF LIFE' ....about All-American Champion STEVE JENNINGS http://youtu.be/6T1ZRLS0HMo Hope it inspires you and ignites passion in your life... look forw...

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Ann Burr
How many re-writes?

I write and write. Then I think of something different and change something again. When should I just stop writing and leave it alone?

Matthew Swartz

To me it's not just writing that matters, but re-writing. I've never rewritten or changed something in my scripts that didn't make it better. Read movie reviews (Roger Ebert) to learn what to do and w...

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Deryn Warren

You stop writing after you have sent it out to friends in the industry and a script doctor (me) and they say it is terrific. Although everyone will have a different opinion. Everyone! SO you have to be the final judge. DerynWarren.com

F. Aaron Franklin

What I'm doing currently is rewriting a script as I finish the current draft. With Celtx, I can make a copy of a script, and work on both separately. So while I'm very happy with the current draft, I...

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Lloyd M. Brock

Hi , Any of you history buffs out there, you might be interested in a new documentary that we just finished on the Holocaust. It's called, "The Mad Pole". The premiere will be at California Polytechnic University - Pomona, CA on June 23rd at 7:00 PM, Cal Poly Theater Bldg.#25. If you live in or around Los Angeles, come on down, admission is FREE.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hi Lloyd. I'm RB, Founder and CEO of Stage 32. As an actor, screenwriter, and filmmaker, I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work and attracting attention to their projects. That's why we created Stage 32. Since our launch in September of 2011, the community has grown to 250,000+ members strong representing every country on the planet making Stage 32 the social network uniquely populated with the most creative people on Earth. This is a network for you, built by you. Like most things in life, the more you participate, the greater the rewards. We ask all new members pay...

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Lloyd M. Brock

I just finished filming a documentary on the Holocaust. We're still editing, but when it's finished I'll make it available to members.

Richard "RB" Botto

Fantastic. Best of luck with it Lloyd!

Lloyd M. Brock

Thanks for the invitation. I just finished producing a new Holocaust documentary, which I'm hoping to enter in a New York film festival. Do you have any suggestions on which ones are the best for documentaries?

Beverly Harriette Kolber


System Admin

Hey Lloyd, I'm the CTO and lead developer at Stage 32. Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback about the site. I'd love to hear your comments! To get started with Stage 32 and understand all the features and resources the site has to offer, please check out the Getting Started section and our FAQ.

Lloyd's network

Rayner Guerra
Augustine Zepeda III
Jillian Caldwell
Steve Probst
Bronson Delves
Joe Becker
Douglas R Harrington
Steven J. Cardenas
Julian Grant
Gary Douglas Kohn
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