Chris Carfizzi: Actor in New York City, New York.

Donna Grossman
Donna grossman casting (nyc)

Hi to the group. I'm Paul Bernstein. I run the business side of Donna Grossman Casting in New York City. I'm the one that will connect with Producers, Directors, Agency Buyers; anyone looking to to cast a shoot. Donna Grossman is one of the most respected, loved, and talented Casting Directors aroun...

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Chris Carfizzi

Hi Paul! Donna Grossman has a fantastic and very actor-friendly office. I was just in for a print audition, yesterday. She's wonderful. She makes it so easy. Thanks for the great work! Chris Carfizzi

Joy Merriweather

Hi Paul, thank you for the information. You're absolutely correct about Donna. When I was making my casting rounds a few years ago I loved going to her studio, always made me feel comfortable!

Rick James

Sorry for the delay Frank, working on my animation takes all my attention, I hardly check anything. I moved from NY to Colorado. Lots of room to think, not a lot of film work though, filmmakers tend to do their own productions.

White Privilege Frankenstein

Just in time for Frankenstein Friday and Halloween, enjoy White Privilege Frankenstein!

Debbie Croysdale

This is a different take on Frankenstein, to anything I've ever seen, some imaginative word play to highlight social issues. I felt there were deeper layers than the surface image of a dark comedy Halloween sketch, some of the characters seemed more obnoxious than the monster.

Chris Carfizzi

Thanks for watching, Debbie! I'm thrilled that you were picking up what I was putting down!

Chris Carfizzi

Happy Frankenstein Friday! Please check out my latest short, White Privilege Frankenstein! Thanks!

White Privilege Frankenstein

Here's White Privilege Frankenstein, the new comedy short that I wrote, directed and am in. I'm really proud of it and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you!

Chris Carfizzi

I'm thrilled to announce that my new comedy short White Privilege Frankenstein has launched on YouTube. We've already had more than 1,000 views in under 24 hours. Jesse Williams from Grey's Anatomy has blogged about us on Tumblr. And Charles Blow from the New York Times tweeted about the short even...

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LindaAnn Loschiavo

Hello, Chris. It's very nice to meet a talented actor from NYC. When I do hear of casting opps, I will pass them along to you!

Chris Carfizzi

Hi Linda! Thank you for your note and the thought. Be well and stay warm. Chris

Chris Carfizzi
Fifth Avenue Mile Sketch

Here's a Sketch I just produced with some friends. Hope you enjoy it!

Chris Carfizzi

Here's the latest Sketch I've produced. Hope you enjoy!

Actor/Improviser in NYC

Hi Everyone! My name is Chris Carfizzi. I'm a comic actor/improviser living in New York City. My background is in musical theater and I've been studying at UCB. I shot my first feature last year and have been working on some sketch shows this year. When I'm not acting I'm a food/wine/travel blogger. Nice to meet you all (virtually)!

Chris Carfizzi

And nice to meet you! It's a bi-lingual film by Rain Li called Beijing, New York. Opens in China this August!

Kathryn Gould

That's fantastic, congrats!

Sleep Agent

I have a sketch I wanted to submit to SNL ..can you help direct me to someone ?

Brandi Alyssa Young

Thanks for the request!

Amy Kelly

Hello Chris, Thank you for being a part of my network here on Stage 32. I'm developing American Specter the TV series and would like to invite you to Like Us on Facebook for exclusive updates and details: I hope to see you there! Best Regards, Amy Kelly...

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Alexander Almada

Hi Chris, Thanks for connecting! I am working as a sound designer for Doc Zee Films. Can you kindly take some time to watch the trailer of our new film “House of Temptation”. Thank You! Indiegogo Campaign: House of Temptation - Feature Film http://www.indie...

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Chris Carfizzi

Hi Becca! Thanks for connecting! Chris

Chris Carfizzi

Thanks for the add, Jack!

Chris Carfizzi

Thanks for connecting, Louis!

Alex Kotlik

Hi Chris, thanks for the connection!

Max Restaino

Thanks for the connection. Look forward to hearing more about your work & projects. I'm currently an intern for UK producer Eliot Kennedy (Spice Girls, Take That etc) Here's a few links if you'd like to join me on twitter or listen to my music: http://www.reverbna...

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Chris Carfizzi

Thanks for adding me!

Chris's network

Mae O. Riley
Michael Davie
Kate Greer
Tomasz Mieczkowski
Steve Okrepky
Julia Reece
Sammy & Kenny Bates
Chris Bath
Mikel Hansel
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