How To LOVE not DREAD Auditions By Tula Tzoras I would like to gift you with The Number 1 VITAL Audition Tip, The most important of all Audition Tips you will ever need to know. Why? ! It will alter your perception of the entire Audition experience and make your Dreams Come True! Ok, so you’ve got an Audition, the Stakes are high, you really want it, it’s your Dream come true, the Competition is fierce; if you don’t get this you will just die! Sound familiar? The one thing I keep hearing from Actors and Professionals alike is that they “Dread” Auditions. The word out there is that Auditions are something to be feared and let’s face it, when you really want something, when it means everything to you, of course it will make you a little anxious to say the least! That is the time we really put ourselves out there to be judged on our merit, it is extremely important to us. I have gone to Networking Sessions and heard Professionals speak to budding young Actors, telling them that Auditions are scary! That’s a nice way to mould Creative Souls isn’t it? So what do we do? Well, generally and unfortunately we tend to go into all our limiting beliefs and fears. Are we prepared enough, who else is going for it, the classic “ I never get ads, or films or TV shows”, they are better than me, the casting director didn’t like me, I never get my dream jobs, I am not attractive or thin enough and the list goes on and on. Anyone ever notice how we attract our fears? We say or think negative things and then congratulate ourselves for being ‘right’ when they happen, painful as that may be, all the while not realizing that we are making choices every second and that we fulfill our own prophecies! That is why it is absolutely imperative that we are practicing our Actor’s Secret Weapon! How can we go from Dreading Auditions to Loving Them? As Actors or Entertainers we LOVE our Work, our creativity feeds our soul, otherwise why would we do it right? We are extremely fortunate to be able to enter the world of imagination and step into the scene we are playing in any world or time. Playing a character gives us the opportunity to inhabit that Character’s world and experience what our character is experiencing. That is an honor and a gift, regardless of whether you are in an audition, on stage or in front of the camera. Here it is are you READY? What if you had an audition for something you would die and go to heaven for and instead of going into panic and dread you changed your mindset? How, you may ask? Apart from using Your Secret Weapon, As Actors, we use our imagination don’t we? The trick to LOVING Auditions is simple: Go to your Audition with the real Belief that You are actually on set, on stage, on location, playing the role your are auditioning for! So if it’s Theatre, picture yourself in front of the Audience, if its TV or Film, in front of the Camera knowing there are millions of viewers watching you and loving your Performance. You LOVE Performing! Can you imagine a better experience? So that’s it, simple isn’t it? Imagine your Audition to be Your Award Winning Performance in the actual Role. Enjoy what you love to do most, nail that character! Have Fun! Personally, I love the opportunity to play a character in a scene, whether it is in an Audition or in Reality on the day! So why not go all out? Embody the character in every way, transport yourself completely. Chances are you will win the role and if you don’t, you have had the honor and experience of giving that character life. Guess what? That also sends a message to the Universe to make it happen for you, so it’s a double whammy! So what are you waiting for? Now you can LOVE AUDITIONS! For more in fact two more chapters on Auditions alone, including your own Secret Weapon, download The Truth About Acting sold through most major Retailers or go to my site. Wishing you Amazing Success! Tula Tzoras