Tula Areti Tzoras: Actor, author and host/presenter in Sydney, Australia.

Tula Areti Tzoras

Super excited to announce the Launch of what is by far, the biggest project of my life, the Areti Goddess Online Program empowering women! I filmed, recorded, edited, designed and produced my first ever Online Course! Ladies you are invited and if you want to grab the launch offer, its ending in a f...

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Tula Areti Tzoras
Dispelling all fears! How to Love Versus Dread Auditions

How To LOVE not DREAD Auditions By Tula Tzoras I would like to gift you with The Number 1 VITAL Audition Tip, The most important of all Audition Tips you will ever need to know. Why? ! It will alter your perception of the entire Audition experience and make your Dreams Come True! Ok, so you’ve got a...

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Tula Areti Tzoras

Dear Friends, After a Very Successful Launch for The Truth About Acting the Fun continues, with Free Talks available to you, including all the opening Offers for Seminars, Workshops and The Actor’s Rock Group, launching a new Breed, The Creative Entrepreneur! All you need do is Invite me along ! www...

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Tula Areti Tzoras

Two upcoming 90 minute Seminars on Offer Tonight! FROM OBSTACLES TO INSPIRATION 17 June, HOW TO CONQUER STAGE FRIGHT FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, 24 June. 10 Steps for Each! As an Opening Special you can take advantage of the opening discount! So instead of paying $295, you pay $27! Limited places so like N...

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Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras

http://www.tulatzoras.com/special-christmas-offer/ Don't miss it if you want 2015 to Count!

Tula Areti Tzoras

THE TRUTH ABOUT ACTING by Tula Tzoras Hi Tula Hope you are well. It’s Nicole here – I just wanted to let you know that after reading your book I took your advice and recently went to Fox Studios to be in the new movie Truth with Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford. I took your advice and went dressed...

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Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras
Tula Areti Tzoras

http://www.tulatzoras.com/news-4/ Get Your First Session Free Now!

Tula Areti Tzoras

http://www.tulatzoras.com/launch-of-the-new-breed/ The Creative Entrepreneur, audition calls and more

Tula Areti Tzoras

http://www.tulatzoras.com/last-day-at-4-99/ Last day Grab it while you can!

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