Christopher Vance: Screenwriter in Atlanta, Georgia.

Beth Haslam

Hello Christopher, thanks so much for connecting. Your profile is fascinating, I hope work is going well.

Solomon Thomas-El A.k.a "Piazza"

Quick question? How do you turn a novel into a screen play, any good tips?

Christopher Vance

Break down your novel into sections. (Chapters 1-3 is section 1, chapters 2-5 is section 2, etc.) Hand pick the key plot points that carries your story and write a fresh treatment. Take the treatment...

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Solomon Thomas-El A.k.a "Piazza"

Thank you brother and sorry for the slight delay in response.

Solomon Thomas-El A.k.a "Piazza"

Also, I should be in your city pretty soon here coming up. I think it would be a good thing to link up and see what we can do.

Christopher Vance
Location Location Location

Lets be honest...Atlanta is killing it right now in tv and film production thanks to it's tax incentives. I've managed get a lot of work as a PA in camera, sound, and other departments. I was also able to meet a lot of other talented filmmakers who had the same strive as me. With all that being said...

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Jeanna Overstreet

Sam Borowski, thanks for the indebt responses to Christopher's questions, as I too have been bouncing around the move to LA as a screenwriter looking to break in.

Sam Borowski

Happy to offer it, Jeanna. And, again, think about going out to L.A. for some networking, meetings AND inspiration. BUT, plan it out, so you can make the best of your time.

Richard Gustason

For me I live in Colorado Springs, CO. It is nice and about 60 minutes away from Denver (who are starting to kick it into high gear with new projects which is amazing). But frankly I DO see more oppor...

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Christopher Vance
Possessory/ Vanity Credit

I understand that a possessory credit goes to the producer or director due to DGA’s guidelines, but what about the screenwriter? Yes filmmaking is a collaborative process and the director is the person that adds his vision and brings it to life or however you may put it. The thing is, in a lot of ca...

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David Trotti

The DGA isn't going to let possessory credits go, so on a DGA film, no, a writer isn't going to get "A Film by..." credit. Now if there's an economic reason that the writer's name sells more tickets o...

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Christopher Vance

That makes sense. The better solution would be to try and attach yourself as director then transform that vision when it's time to start production.

D Marcus
  1. Neil Simon has gotten it. Often novelists get it even thought they didn't write the screenplay

    2. Yes, this is something that can be negotiated.

Christopher Vance
Possessory/ Vanity Credit

I understand that a possessory credit goes to the producer or director due to DGA’s guidelines, but what about the screenwriter? Yes filmmaking is a collaborative process and the director is the person that adds his vision and brings it to life or however you may put it. The thing is, in a lot of ca...

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Doug Nelson

When I sell a script; as long as the check don't bounce - I couldn't care less what they do with it. I've sold scripts that have gone on to be rewritten by some studio friends & family and put on the...

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D Marcus
  1. Neil Simon did on several movies. But that's the only one I know of.

    2. Yes, there is that possibility.

Christopher Vance

Thanks for the replies

Stage 32 Job Alert
Production Assistant hired through Stage 32 Jobs

ShaCayne Jackson, a Production Assistant from Atlanta, Georgia was just hired for the project titled "Short Film Crew "The Fear in You"". Congratulations!

Christopher Vance

Email me here

Christopher Vance

Ammad Malik

Christopher Vance

Hi Ty! I tried to send you a message but none of them have gone through. If you can please send me your contact info through this email so we can stay in touch than that would be really great.

Christopher Vance
Running with Wolves Feature Film

Hello all, "Running with Wolves" is a female led feature film from writer-director T.J. Chester based on her novel series 'Running with Wolves'. As a contributor to this project, I am helping to spread the word about this life-thrilling concept. If you would please be so kind to show your support an...

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Running with Wolves: Female led feature film
Running with Wolves: Female led feature film
Gary, Indiana native, Ms. TJ Chester, is directing/producing her first feature, female led film. | Check out 'Running with Wolves: Female led feature film ' on Indiegogo.
Don Clovis

I will be shortly in Cannes this years from may 17th till may 20th or 21th

I will be a lot at the UK pavilion.. and like meet some members of STAGE 32 of course

have a great time,


Joyto Actions Films Ltd

Christopher Vance

Hey filmmakers! I'll be in Cannes from May 15 - 29. I hope to see you all there!

Jorge J Prieto

Have fun everyone and take pictures, I know our very RB will keep us posted on video. RB, please don't get scorned, like last year and if they do, just say: " sorry, I can't help it I'm from NYC." Lol. Just kidding. Have a blast, buddy.

Christopher Vance
How do you know if one of your concepts/ ideas is a series or a feature film?

I've been really curious about this and wondered if any other screenwriter has gone through the same thing. Lets say you came up with an idea and you see it as a feature film. You get feedback and start making improvements day by day. After some time you realize that you see your concept as a series...

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Danny Manus

i know this is shameless and i apologize but im actually teaching a 3 week online class that tackles this very subject. Story Development and Outlining - How to Know if your idea is viable. hit me up uf you want details (i teach this class to the Animation Writers Guild a couple times a year)

Christopher Vance

Wow thank you all for your responses and input! I thought I was making a big deal out of nothing but this definitely shed some light.

Shawn Speake

Hey, Christopher! I use Danny's services. He'll spot your weak links and make you stronger. The path to where we're going is exponentially faster with a mentor, coach.

Christopher Vance

Hey thanks for the add!

Christopher Vance

Thanks for the network add!

Stage 32 Job Alert
Director hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Christopher Vance, a Director from Atlanta, Georgia was just hired for the project titled "TEISHA". Congratulations!

Christopher Vance

Thanks Erik!

Ashley Moore


Christopher Vance

Thank you!

Richard "RB" Botto

Hi Christopher. I'm RB, Founder and CEO of Stage 32. As a screenwriter, producer, actor and filmmaker, I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work, landing representation, launching projects, securing funding and simply making the connections that will make a difference in their careers. That's why I created Stage 32. Since our launch in September of 2011, the community has grown to 1,000,000+ members representing every country on the planet making Stage 32 the social network uniquely populated with the most creative people on Earth.

This is a network for you, built by you....

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Amanda Toney

Hello Christopher -

Welcome to the community! I'm Amanda Toney, the Managing Director at Stage 32. Since 2013 I've been proud to oversee Stage 32's Next Level Education, which provides you the most up-to-date tools necessary to become a better creative.

Over the years Stage 32 has worked with over 500 industry executives and professionals to teach online webinars, classes and intensive labs exclusively for you - our Stage 32 community. We bring you instructors who have worked directly on some of your favorite films, TV shows or theater productions to teach you in-the-trenches information that...

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Christopher's network

Rod Burke
Daniel Hess
Maurice Vaughan
Gen Vardo
Luis Jose Guevara Torres
Adam Freilich
Timothy Shireman
Nick Davis
Daniel Patrick Swain
Myriam B
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