Sam Treadway

Sam Treadway

The Intelligent Machine, LLC
Producer, Director, Visual Effects Supervisor, Visual Effects Artist, Compositor, Colorist, 3d Animator, Animator, Motion Graphic Design and Editor

Austin, Texas

Member Since:
August 2011
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Sam




  • The Brazilian Connection

    The Brazilian Connection (2019)
    Film Visual effects

  • Two Girls

    Two Girls (2018)
    Film Visual effects

  • Sex Weather

    Sex Weather (2018)
    Film Visual effects

  • Yugen

    Yugen (2018)
    Film Visual effects

  • Immortality of the Conscious Mind

    Immortality of the Conscious Mind (2018)
    Film Visual effects

  • The Vampire Leland

    The Vampire Leland (2016)
    Film Visual effects

  • The Falls: Covenant of Grace

    The Falls: Covenant of Grace (2016)
    Film Visual effects

  • The Skull Hunter

    The Skull Hunter (2016)
    TV Movie by Sam Treadway (Fantasy) Director

  • Harbinger

    Harbinger (2015)
    Film by Cody Duckworth (Fantasy, Horror and Thriller) Visual effects HARBINGER is a contemporary fairy tale in the spirit of the Brother's Grimm. --12 year-old Mira has been having terrible dreams. As her haunting nightmares escalate, Mira's father moves with Mira and her very pregnant mother away from the city to a secluded ranch for some much needed family healing. Unfortunately the night terrors do not end for young Mira who is soon guided by visions of things-to-come by her dead grandmother who warns against drinking the well water. As Mira's mother and father continue to drink the water, as well as eat the animals who also drink the water, a transformation begins...and Mira's worst nightmares become real. Written by Anonymous

  • 2Survive

    2Survive (2015)
    Film by Tom Seidman (Adventure, Drama and Thriller) Visual effects A desert survival reality show goes horribly wrong.

  • Templar: Honor Among Thieves

    Templar: Honor Among Thieves (2015)
    Film by Rene Hinojosa (Action, Adventure and Sci-Fi) Production designer Dust kicks up along a nearly deserted street. Three bounty hunters stage an ambush on a known criminal. But as they rush into the stone building where the suspect is known to be hiding, they each meet their end at the hands of their prey. For some, this scene would seem to describe a time when law and order were decided by how fast a man could draw a gun. The old west. But imagine this scene playing out on another planet in a distant galaxy. Award-Winning Writer, Producer & Director Rene Hinojosa presents Templar: Honor Among Thieves, an epic story that pays tribute to the classic genre of the "spaghetti western" but sets the action against the canvas of a galaxy on the brink of chaos. At its heart, the story pays respect to the classic tales of western mythology and its character archetypes. There is the lone gunman, the anti-hero, who finds himself always on the edge of darkness. Bound to a life of greed, he sets off on a quest to attain the unattainable. Joining him on his journey ... Written by Rene Hinojosa

  • Tempest

    Tempest (2014)
    Film (short) by Maverick Dugger (Drama, Fantasy and Thriller) Visual effects A young boy (Ethan) wakes up to a terrible thunderstorm and runs to his parents room in fear. Ethan finds them in the middle of a tumultuous fight and runs out of the house and into the brewing storm. As he sits hiding and crying, something at the forest edge catches his eye. A giant pulsating light spews from the forest edge and Ethan begins following the light as it leads him deeper and deeper into the forest. Written by Anonymous

  • Booth

    Booth (2014)
    Film (short) by Jeff Schwan (Drama, Sci-Fi and Thriller) Visual effects, Production manager, Editor, Producer David Meyers, a furniture refinisher and handy-man, finds himself fixing bigger problems when he stumbles upon an antique phone booth that morphs him into past experiences, allowing the opportunity to help others achieve a second chance in life.

  • The Global Warming War

    The Global Warming War (2014)
    Film by Luke Dillard (Documentary and News) Visual effects, Editorial department, Production manager The climate change debate hits a blistering zenith in this thought-provoking documentary. Not motivated by political bias, money, or emotionalism the film looks to find the facts from the experts who spend their lives studying Earth's climate and not politicians with ulterior motivations. With a never before seen interview from physicist and expert in the field of climatology, Dr. Henrik Svensmark, "The Global Warming War" introduces his Cosmic Ray Theory that may just be the factor unaccounted for by political organizations, that plays a very important role in our planet's climate.

  • All Roads Lead to Occidental

    All Roads Lead to Occidental (2014)
    Film by Graham Lee (Crime, Romance and Thriller) Visual effects A college boy rekindles the flame of a high school romance with a local convenience store clerk over summer break and falls into a web of crime and jealousy. The girl is married to a drug-peddling cop and entrapped by a ruthless FBI agent with the goods on her husband. Written by Anonymous

  • The Dark Walk Backward

    The Dark Walk Backward (2014)
    Film (short) by Kris Phipps (Drama, Fantasy and Horror) Visual effects, Editorial department, Production manager A farmer must go through the heartbreaking task of burying his young daughter. And, before his work is done, he will learn that the only thing more horrible that death is a life that is cursed by it.

  • Waterloo Sunset

    Waterloo Sunset (2013)
    Film by Director: Mark Spacek on-set Visual Effects Supervisor / Digital Effects Producer / Artist

  • The Hours Till Daylight

    The Hours Till Daylight (2013)
    Film by Director: Jon Garcia on-set Visual & Special Effects Supervisor / Digital Effects Producer / Artist

  • The Door to Door Method

    The Door to Door Method (2013)
    Film (short) by Walter Moise (Sci-Fi) Visual effects Using an age old sales method, a corporation recruits new member by offering an incentive to watch their promotional video. It seems to good to be true, but most never make it through the presentation. One man, however, sees things differently. The Peach Corporation is a mysterious conglomerate working outside of society's grid, able to infiltrate civilized areas and seduce disillusioned citizens to join a new way of life. Two Peach Corporation employees travel door-to-door, offering preselected people an incentive of fifty dollars to watch the company's promotion video. With adverse reactions to the content on the disk, we experience how one person's horror is an others curious fascination and that stakes that are put on the line when he wants to learn more. Written by Anonymous

  • The Falls

    The Falls (2013)
    Film by Director: Jon Garcia Digital Effects Producer

  • Disenchanted

    Disenchanted (2013)
    Television (Comedy) Editorial department The Renaissance Festival: a ten-week Bacchanalia of food, spirits and weird accents, usually taking place in a wide swath of pasture, far removed from the Real World. In those ten weekends, epic stories are created, love is won and lost... but mostly, people just dress up in complicated clothes and try to get laid while absolutely shit-housed drunk. A huge community of Renaissance regulars, or Rennies, travel from Faire to Faire all around the country. There are so many festivals that those folks only have face the real world for a couple months out of the year. And really, isn't life simpler when you can camp out, barter for your needs and dress like The Tudors? The 'Enchanted Forest Faire' is managed by Ted Pern, whose career has taken some unexpected turns he'd rather not discuss. Lecturing teenagers at a fast food job was one thing, but out here it's all actors, and sexual harassment isn't forbidden, it's the norm. Now he's dealing with a hot-headed Knight punching the customers, ... Written by Neuspacechurch productions

  • The Stray

    The Stray (2012)
    Film by Director: John Rhode Digital Effects Manager

  • Trooper and The Legend of the Golden Key

    Trooper and The Legend of the Golden Key (2012)
    Film by Director: John Rhode Visual Effects

  • The Ascendant

    The Ascendant (2012)
    Film (short) by Director: Deepak Chetty on-set Visual Effects Supervisor

  • Music Video : What Made Milwaukee Famous : "Gone And Done It Now"

    Music Video : What Made Milwaukee Famous : "Gone And Done It Now" (2012)
    Video by Director: Mark Spacek on-set Visual Effects Supervisor, Visual Effects Artist

  • Taking Capellera

    Taking Capellera (2012)
    Film by Andrew Cinclair Visual effects One virtuous woman who now holds the "Sign of Marta" will journey to uncover her true destiny, transforming an ordinary woman into a legacy. It's more than good vs evil. It's more than love vs war. It's destiny vs fate. Written by Lynneice Joseph

  • Disenchanted - ep. 1 (pilot)

    Disenchanted - ep. 1 (pilot) (2012)
    Television by Director: Galen Church Colorist

  • Seeker and Fetch

    Seeker and Fetch (2011)
    Film by Director: John Rhode Digital Effects Manager

  • Harley's Hill

    Harley's Hill (2011)
    Film by Director: Don Most Digital Effects Manager

  • Cinnamon

    Cinnamon (2011)
    Film (short) by Director: Timothy Edwards Digital Effects

  • Jivetown - ep. 2

    Jivetown - ep. 2 (2011)
    Film (short) by Director: Kimberly Suta Visual Effects Producer

  • Road to Peshawar

    Road to Peshawar (2011)
    Film (short) by Director: Hammad Rizvi Digital Effects

  • Dream House - ep. 1

    Dream House - ep. 1 (2011)
    Television Digital Effects

  • Zombie Man

    Zombie Man (2011)
    Film (short) Visual Effects Artist

  • Seeker & Fetch

    Seeker & Fetch (2011)
    Film by John Rhode (Family) Visual effects When Ana's love for animals leads her to turn her home into a shelter for lost pets, her neighbors report her to the authorities. Her beloved Seeker, an Australian Shepherd, and Fetch, a nearly blind pot-bellied pig, must come up with a plan to save the day Written by Anonymous

  • Jive Town

    Jive Town (2011)
    Film (short) by Kimberly Suta (Comedy) Visual effects

  • Paperless Office

    Paperless Office (2010)
    Film (short) by Director: Timothy Edwards Visual Effects Supervisor

  • Flight of Magic

    Flight of Magic (2010)
    Film (short) Story / Development / Producer and creative director during development and pre-production

  • Rage of the Gladiator

    Rage of the Gladiator (2010)
    Video Game by Ed Roman (Action) Visual effects

  • Little Green Men

    Little Green Men
    Visual effects


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