Rose Alsander

Rose Alsander


Minneapolis, Minnesota

Member Since:
May 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Rose

I have been acting off and on the stage since I was 10 years old. Recently I took a year long break to finish my undgrad degree in psychology, I graduate in December of this year and I plan to dive back into acting with full force.

Not only do I have acting experience, though, I have also worked in fundraising for the past 3 years and have discovered a passion for it. In just 2 years I raised $50,000 through cold calling for my University. If you have any job openings for talented fundraising let me know!

Willing to relocate next summer 2016.

Unique traits: I'm told I have a high-pitched rasp and the qualities of a manic pixie dream girl.




  • unversity of minnesota

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