Cabrillo College

Cabrillo College

Cabrillo College

Cabrillo College is a college located in Aptos, California.

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At least 6 Stage 32 members have attended Cabrillo College:
Marina Miranda

Marina Miranda

Actor, Dancer and Host/Presenter from Santa Cruz, California
Heathyr Wolfe

Heathyr Wolfe

Author, Wardrobe Supervisor and Costumer from Los Angeles, California
Tony McIntyre

Tony McIntyre

Student from Boulder Creek, California
Dustin Robert Young

Dustin Robert Young

Actor, Director and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Sammer Abu AlRagheb

Sammer Abu AlRagheb

Screenwriter, Filmmaker and Student from Santa Cruz, California
Matt Gray

Matt Gray

Author, Content Creator and Editor from Normal, Illinois
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