Langara College Film Arts Program for Actors, Writers and Directors

Langara College Film Arts Program for Actors, Writers and Directors

Langara College Film Arts Program for Actors, Writers and Directors

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At least 5 Stage 32 members have attended Langara College Film Arts Program for Actors, Writers and Directors:
Shirley Tregre

Shirley Tregre

Actor, Crafty and Prop Master from Denham Springs, Louisiana
Marcy Schacter

Marcy Schacter

Screenwriter, Actor and Producer from Vancouver, Canada
Omar Hssaan Mohamed Auaad Ebrah

Omar Hssaan Mohamed Auaad Ebrah

Compositor, Author and Editor from Al Ḩudaydah, Yemen
Don Belliveau

Don Belliveau

Actor and Screenwriter from Vancouver, BC, Canada
Maggie Tomaszewski

Maggie Tomaszewski

Actor and Screenwriter from Surrey, Canada
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