Marymount Manhattan College

Marymount Manhattan College

Marymount Manhattan College

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At least 33 Stage 32 members have attended Marymount Manhattan College:
Jonathan Melo

Jonathan Melo

Actor and Music Composer from New York City, New York
Dondrie Burnham

Dondrie Burnham

Actor, Host/Presenter and Theatrical Producer from Brooklyn, New York
Anita Storr

Anita Storr

Actor from New York City, New York
Shaina Lynn

Shaina Lynn

Actor, Comedian and Director from New York City, New York & DMV
Jason Koth

Jason Koth

Actor, Editor and Producer from New York City, New York
Lianne K. Coleman

Lianne K. Coleman

David Rigano

David Rigano

Director, Playwright and Producer from New York City, New York
Jill Moody

Jill Moody

Actor, Choreographer and Dancer from New York City, New York
Michael Bertoncini

Michael Bertoncini

Actor, Music Composer and Music Supervisor from New York City, New York
John Franklin Stevens

John Franklin Stevens

Actor, Performance Coach and Singer from Toronto, Canada
Madalyn Mattsey

Madalyn Mattsey

Actor from Chicago, Illinois
Chloé Mackenzie

Chloé Mackenzie

Editor, Production Assistant and Other from New York City, New York
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