Metropolitan Community College - Nebraska

Metropolitan Community College - Nebraska

Metropolitan Community College - Nebraska

Metropolitan Community College - Nebraska is a college located in Omaha, Nebraska.

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At least 8 Stage 32 members have attended Metropolitan Community College - Nebraska:
Francesca Hogan

Francesca Hogan

Actor and Voice Artist from Omaha, Nebraska
Michael Alan Smith

Michael Alan Smith

Cinematographer, Director and Editor from Blue Springs, Missouri
Kelly J Wyman

Kelly J Wyman

Actor, Comedian and Photographer (Still) from Kansas City, Missouri
Jenny Delich

Jenny Delich

Actor, Dancer and Makeup Artist from Los Angeles, California
Steve Graves

Steve Graves

Crew, Production Assistant and Prop Master from Las Vegas, Nevada
Lenda Yu Brewer

Lenda Yu Brewer

Actor, Art Department Coordinator and Assistant Director from New Orleans, Louisiana
Meg Young

Meg Young

Production Designer, Art Director and Set Decorator from Kansas City, Missouri
Vince Salerno

Vince Salerno

Director, Editor and Producer from Dallas, Texas
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