Oral Roberts University

Oral Roberts University

Oral Roberts University

Oral Roberts University is a college located in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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At least 24 Stage 32 members have attended Oral Roberts University:
Neal Leffler

Neal Leffler

Camera Operator and Crew from Burbank, CA
Patrick Southern

Patrick Southern

Editor and Post-Production Coordinator from Burbank, California
Robert Butler

Robert Butler

Actor, Camera Operator and Director from Detroit, Michigan
Joshua Ross

Joshua Ross

Crew, Director and Gaffer/Lighting Technician from Dallas, Texas
Greg Silva

Greg Silva

Theatrical Producer from Chicago, Illinois
Dan Rubottom

Dan Rubottom

Cinematographer, Director and Editor from Houston, Texas
Edward David Ladner

Edward David Ladner

Actor, Crew and Producer from Tulsa, Oklahoma
Gillian Fritzsche

Gillian Fritzsche

Screenwriter, Director and Producer from Brooklyn, New York
Joshua Morales

Joshua Morales

Field Recordist, Music Composer and Sound Designer from London, England
Erikarose English

Erikarose English

Actor from Atlanta, Georgia
Shane Fuller

Shane Fuller

Theatre Director, Screenwriter and Playwright from Boston, Massachusetts
Erica Jordan

Erica Jordan

Actor from Tulsa, Oklahoma
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