Platt College

Platt College

Platt College

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At least 7 Stage 32 members have attended Platt College:
J. Scott Lapp

J. Scott Lapp

Assistant Director, Stage Director and Theatre Director from San Diego, California
Rob Padilla Jr.

Rob Padilla Jr.

Director, Cinematographer and Editor from San Diego, California
Del Weston

Del Weston

Actor, Art Director and Cinematographer from Los Angeles, California
Royce Richmond

Royce Richmond

Art Director, Camera Operator and Casting Director from Austin, Texas
Shirley Holden

Shirley Holden

Screenwriter, Set Decorator and Set Designer from Chicago, Illinois
R. Christian Anderson

R. Christian Anderson

Director, Screenwriter and Script Consultant from Las Vegas, Nevada
Richard Encarnacion, Mba, Ph.D.

Richard Encarnacion, Mba, Ph.D.

Filmmaker, Screenwriter and Producer from New York City, New York
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