South Dakota State University

South Dakota State University

South Dakota State University

South Dakota State University is a college located in Brookings, South Dakota.

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At least 6 Stage 32 members have attended South Dakota State University:
Heather Johansen

Heather Johansen

Actor from Los Angeles, California
Tamara Sue Mouw Swenson

Tamara Sue Mouw Swenson

Actor, Crafty and Musician from Brandon, South Dakota
Trent Rentsch

Trent Rentsch

Sound Designer, Actor and Screenwriter from Raleigh, North Carolina
Hillol Sarkar

Hillol Sarkar

Art Director from Lake Forest, California
Gregory L. Heitmann

Gregory L. Heitmann

Screenwriter from Santa Fe, New Mexico
Amanda Conner (Broadwater)

Amanda Conner (Broadwater)

Camera Operator, Digital Imaging Technician and First Assistant Camera from Detroit, Michigan
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