Art Institute of California: Inland Empire

Art Institute of California: Inland Empire

Art Institute of California: Inland Empire

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At least 8 Stage 32 members have attended Art Institute of California: Inland Empire:
Priscilla Rojas

Priscilla Rojas

Animator from Laguna Niguel, California
Steven Reyes

Steven Reyes

Actor, Casting Director and Director from Ontario, California
Andrew Messersmith

Andrew Messersmith

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Gaffer/Lighting Technician from Los Angeles, California
Juan Ilizaliturri

Juan Ilizaliturri

Actor, Assistant Director and Author from Riverside, California
David Mosley (Dlemmuh)

David Mosley (Dlemmuh)

Cinematographer, Director and Editor from Cherry Valley, California
Augustine Zepeda III

Augustine Zepeda III

Director of Photography, Cinematographer and Assistant Director from Mentone, California
Richard Heffelfinger

Richard Heffelfinger

Editor, Gaffer/Lighting Technician and Videographer from Rancho Cucamonga, California
Anthony S Ward

Anthony S Ward

3D Animator, Actor and Content Creator from San Bernardino, California
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